Montag burns down house
Period: to
Beginning to end of book
Montag meets Clarisse
Millie is found dead by the pills
The people come to revive her by pumping out poison
Montag holds multiple talks with clarisse
Montag discovers Clarisse has been gone for a while
Montag is called to burn books at some lady's house
Montag steals a book
The lady commits suicide with the books
Montag goes home and can't remember when he met Mildred
Montag gets sick and can't go to work
Montag makes the decision he doesn't want to return to work
Beatty leaves and Montag reveals his many books to Mildred
Mildred has a violent reaction -
They talk and he finds out he has one of the few Bibles
Radio's are exchanged and Montag goes off
Montag returns to work
Montag in his anger spurts a line from the poem
Montag's earpiece is discovered
Montag's next mission leads him to his own doorstep
Mildred runs out of the house with her stuff
Montag kills beatty and runs
Montag Runs towards faber's house
Montag runs to the river and takes it down. He then follows the railroad paths
He meets granger and the group
The hound can't find him and they watch the tv as the hound fakes finding Montag
They discuss how their generation must rebuild by memorizing their personal book
The story ends by the men heading to the city to help rebuild
Beatty arrives at montag's house and holds the talk with him
They read for the afternoon. Montag senses the hound
Montag reuintes with Faber after a year
War around the world has begun. Montag is also a bounty
Montag meets at Faber's house they talk but he has to leave now
Jets flash over and destroy the city