Catherine Beecher
Wrote “A Treatise on Domestic Economy” in 1841 which was the first FACS text book recognized by the Department of Education. -
Morrill Act
Also known as the Land Grant College Act. The act was signed into law by Abraham Lincoln in 1862. The law established federal funding for higher education in every state of the country. -
Land Grant
A land-grant University is an institution of higher education in the US designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 -
Land Grant Universities in Arkansas
There are two Land Grant Universities in Arkansas and they include The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville & The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (formerly Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal) -
Smith Lever Act
created the Cooperative Extension Service including FACS -
ADA In World War 1
Dietitians performed many important roles during World War I, both overseas and on the home front. During the war, 356 dietitians were recruited for Army service through the American Red Cross. -
Smith Hughes Act
Established FACS as part of Vocational (CTE) Education -
First President of the ADA
Lulu G. Graves, head dietitian at Lakeside Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, served as the first president of the American Dietetic Association. -
Founding of The ADA (Blanche Joseph)
A dietitian at the West Side Dispensary in Chicago, Illinois, came up with the name the American Dietetic Association, thus the organization was founded. -
The H.R. 7633 Bill
Officially giving dietitians military status. RDs were classified according to rank and pay of regular army officers from second lieutenant to colonel. -
Vocational Education Act
Provided grants to states to maintain, improve, and develop vocational-technical education programs. The funds were earmarked for occupations in demand. -
Vocational Amendment 1968 & 1973
Authorized funds to aid states and localities in establishing vocational education programs in local high schools. -
First RD Examination
The first RD examination was given in January 1970 to 56 interns. All 56 passed. -
Vocational Amendment of 1976
Authorize more money for vocational education -
Carl Perkins Vocational Act
The act aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States in order to help the economy -
Carl Perkins Act of 1998
This legislation restructures and reforms programs previously authorized by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act, setting out a new vision of vocational and technical education for the 21st century. -
Carl Perkins Vocational Act of 2006
The new law includes three major areas of revision:
1) Using the term "career and technical education" instead of "vocational education"
2) Maintaining the Tech Prep program as a separate federal funding stream within the legislation
3) Maintaining state administrative funding at 5 percent of a state’s allocation -
Kids Eat Right Initiative
Supporting public education programs that address the national health concern of obesity among children. -
Kids Eat Right Month Established
August marked the inaugural Kids Eat Right Month, a nutrition education, information-sharing and action campaign -
ADA Celebrate 100 Year Anniversary
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrated 100 years of being an organization