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  • Who invented it

    Who invented it
    The person that invented the app is Mark Zuckerberg born on May,14,1984 from New York ,United States . He also owns other social media apps like whatsapp and Instagram.
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    How has it changed over time

    They have added many thing like tagging people in your photos ,video calling , liking people's posts and they have improved their software which makes it easier for the users to use the app.
  • when/Why was it made

    Facebook originally started on February , 2004 the app started as communication method between students in the university that Mark Zuckerberg (The owner of Facebook) went to. After a million people started to use the app he got the idea to make it public to everyone on February , 2012 after 8 years which targeted anyone 13 years old or older .
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    what caused it to change

    The resource changed there is better equipment to use its way easier to make better software a lot more people use it now so they have to keep upgrading the app so the people don't get bored.
  • What is its purpose

    After February , 2012 The app became social media app for people to communicate and post there photos and share there thoughts and its like where you find the whole world in one place you can be in Canada and text someone in Africa.