
F451 Part 3a

  • Warning

    Beatty tells Montag that the mechanical hound coming to the door was supposed to be a warning.
  • Leaving

    Mildred gathers up her things from the house and runs out. She runs past Montag into a cab and ignores him when he tries to talk to her.
  • Realization

    Montag realizes that it must have been Mildred who brought the books back in. He thinks she probably watched him take them into the garden.
  • Burn

    Beatty tells Montag that he has to fix what he did. Montag is given a flamethrower and he enters his house and burns anything that he can. For a second he enjoys burning again.
  • Run!

    Faber tells Montag to run, but Montag says that he can't because the mechanical hound is in the neighborhood.
  • Who?

    When Montag asks, Beatty tells him that his wife turned in the alarm, but her friends turned one in first.
  • Why?

    Beatty ask Montag why he did this. However, Montag does not answer.
  • Accomplice

    Beatty hits Montag for not answering and this causes the green bullet to fall out of his ear.
  • Arrest

    Beatty says that Montag is under arrest and that they will use the green bullet to get whoever he is working with.
  • Murder

    Montag doesn't like the threats that Beatty says. He keeps getting mad and realizes that "they never burnt right." As Beatty continues on, Montag is pushed to burn him to death with the flamethrower.
  • The Chase

    The Chase
    After Montag kills Beatty, the hound appears and starts chasing Montag.
  • In the Knick of Time

    In the Knick of Time
    Montag gets pinned against a tree and the mechanical hound is able to stab him in the leg. However, Montag manages to burn the hound and get it away from him.
  • Escape

    Montag starts to run despite the pain he is experiences. As he is moving along he listens to the radio and hears that he is wanted. He knows he has to keep moving and maybe try to change how he looks and how he is acting.
  • Near Death

    Near Death
    As Montag is crossing the street a beetle full of teenagers start chasing him. They come within inches of hitting him and then turn around to try again. He realizes that they are just doing it for fun.