Creation of Gold Coast Colony
British in Ghana -
Gold Coast becomes official British colony
Berlin Conference-King Leopold gets Congo
Leopold forced to cede Congo to Belgian Gov
USSR formed
Anglo-Iranian oil Company/ BP is established
Mao Zedong's Long March begins
Period: to
Br/Soviet troops occupy Iran
want oil -
Japanese Occupy French Indochina (Vietnam)
Reza Khan abdicates in favor of son Mohammed Reza Shah
Korea divides into 2 countries
Japanese oust Vichy France from French Indochina (Vietnam)
Potsdam Conference
sets stage for Cold War -
Ho Chi Minh proclaims Democratic Republic of Vietnam
British take full control of Gold Coast
French start a war in Vietnam
Period: to
Iron Curtain
USSR seals itself off with "imaginary" boundary -
African leaders form United Gold Coast Political Party
Period: to
Truman Doctrine Enforced
counters Soviet political expansion -
British Withdraw from Israel
Period: to
Marshall Plan
USA gave 12 billion in aid to W Europe for rebuilding post WWII -
Israel Independence
Period: to
Berlin Blockade
designed to starve the allies out of W Berlin, failed -
Semi-independent state of Vietnam is established
Mao Zedong/Communists defeat Chinese Nationalists
China joins Korean War on the North
North Korea invades South Korea
US joins Korean War
from South -
American Troops reach North Korean capital
Mohammad Mossadegh elected
Peace talks begin between North and South Korea
Period: to
Mossadeq Nationalizes Iran's Oil Industry
Eisenhower Elected President of USA
Egyptian Coup
Shah Returns to Iran post-CIA coup
Mossadegh is ousted
Nasser makes Egypt a democracy
Period: to
Cuban Revolution
North and South Korea agree to a truce at 38th Parallel
Diem becomes PM in South Vietnam
French lose battle of Dien Bien Phu
Negotiations about Vietnam split nation at 17th Parallel
Egyptian-Czech arms deal
arms funneled through USSR after USA refuses to sell arms to Egypt -
British pull troops out of Egypt
Diem establishes Republic of Vietnam in South
Iraq and Turkey sign Baghdad Pact with UK
Br/Fr/Is Invade Egypt
Nasser Nationalizes the Suez Canal
Ghana gains independence
Mao launches Great Leap Forward
Batista leaves Cuba after Fidel Castro leads Coup
North Vietnam activates Ho Chi Minh trail
Vietcong/NLF established
Congo Gains Independence
almost immediately falls into chaos -
Period: to
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Berlin Wall built
Period: to
Cuban Missile Crisis
Dissident Muslim Clerics expelled from Iran by Shah
Period: to
Diem killed USA-backed coup in South Vietnam
N Vietnam directly intervenes in S Vietnam
USA begins bombing N Vietnam
Arab League Invades Israel
Period: to
Six Day War in Israel
Nasser dies
negotiation to achieve nuclear parity between USA and USSR -
limited creation of tactical nuclear weapons -
Iranian Revolution
Reagan vilifies USSR
"Evil Empire" and SDI- makes nukes obsolete -
Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in USSR
youngest gensec since Stalin, perestroika, glasnost, reduces defense spending -
Soviet's institutes non-intervention policy in E. Europe
USSR isn't going to send army to E Euro to back up communist regimes -
German Unified
Communist Coup in USSR
fails to reinstate Communism -
Boris Yeltsin Elected President of USSR
Soviet Union dissolves, Cold War ends -
Berlin wall Falls