Betty Friedan was fired from a Union Publication because she was pregnant with her second child. After this incident she wrote the pamphlet called "UE Fight for Women Workers". I think this situation is what sparked a fire in Betty Friedan and helped push her through the fight for equal rights for women. -
We've Got A Writer
Betty Friedan wrote the book "The Feminine Mystique". This book was named as a best seller in 1964 and sold over a million copies. The book was wrote to challenge the belief that "fulfillment as a woman had only one definition for American women after 1949 and that was to be a mother and housewife. She wanted to let it be known that women were not satisfied but could not voice their opinions. -
Betty Freidan helped fund the National Organization for Women and became the the president the same year. This civil rights group wanted to help women into society and become equals with men in the workplace. The NOW organization was and is still the largest and most likely the most effective women's rights organization. While President, Friedan fought to put an end to sex classified employment, women in government positions, legalize abortions and help with child care centers. -
Betty Friedan and other women activist organized the Women's Strike for Equality. This strike celebrated the anniversary of the right for women to vote (19th amendment). This strike had 3 goals which included the fight for free abortion, equal opportunity in the workplace and free child care. The strike led about 50,000 women down 5th avenue in New York and many other women throughout the country.