Extra Credit Timeline Assignment

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    Decolonization of Latin America

    Decolonization of Latin America, is the process in which counties in the Americas started to gain their independence from the European counties that ruled them. It began with a series of revolutions in the mid 18th century that lasted to the late 19th century.
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    Congress of Vienna

    A conference between the heads of the major powers of Europe, lead by Austrian Statesman, Klemens von Metternich in Vienna on 1814 after the fall of Napoleon. Its purpose was to settle the problems that arose from the french revolution and Napoleonic wars, create a balance of power so no one country would become too powerful and break it, and to restore power and land to the other heads of Europe. It would involve conservatism since one motive was putting back the fallen rulers.
  • Six Acts

    After the Peterloo massacre, the British government created the six acts which were meant to prevent further disturbances and were mainly aimed at suppressing meetings for radical reform. They prohibited meetings of over 50 people, gave magistrates permission to search private property for arms, prohibited military training by civilians , strengthened the laws against blasphemous and seditious libel, a speed up in court processes, and raised taxes on publications of opinion. Also conservatism
  • Peterloo Massacre

    The Peterloo Massacre was when Calvary charged into a group of around 60,000 people who were gathered together to demand parliamentary reform. The local magistrates were worried by this sudden gathering and called military authorities to arrest Henry Hunt who was the lead speaker, and disperse the crowd. The Calvary charged in wielding Sabres and made a general attack on the crowd. Around 15 people were killed, and anywhere from 400-700 injured during the chaos. This would also be conservatism
  • Carlsbad Decrees

    A set of restrictions against the nationalist/liberal movement that was growing in Germany. It banned nationalist fraternities, removed liberal university professors, and expanded censorship on the press. This would involve conservatism since it was against nationalism and liberalism.
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    Italian Unification

    The Italian unification was when all the separate states of the Italian peninsula became united into one country. It started with resurrections in 1820-182, and then wars like the Austro-Sardinian war and the Austro-Prussian war. It ended with French troops leaving Rome and Italy being unified. It would mostly nationalism/liberalism since it was unification, however there was some conservatism as well since in the end it was ruled by a constitutional monarchy since a democracy was to liberal.
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    Greek War for Independence

    The Greek war for independence was a successful war fought to get Greek independence from the Ottoman Empire. It was fought between the Greeks who were allied with Russia, the U.K. and France, against the Ottoman Empire. After a long struggle, freedom was finally gained by Treaty of Constantinople in July 1832. This would be a nationalist and liberal event since it was a revolution which both isms supported.
  • Decembrist Uprising

    the Decembrist Uprising took place in imperial Russia in Senate Square and was when Russian army officials gathered together 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Tsar Nicholas I since they felt threatened by his conservative views. This uprising would most relate to Liberalism.
  • French Barricade Revolt 1830

    The French Revolt of 1830 was a revolt by french liberal revolutionaries against Charles X who was in power at the time. The people did not like how he limited the press, and consecrated power in the thrown, which lead them to wanting to revolt. After only three days of fighting, the revolutionaries succeeded in overthrowing Charles. And while they wanted a republic, the bourgeoisie ended up putting Louis-Philippe in the monarchy, although he would be overthrown later. This revolt was liberal
  • Belgian Independence

    The Belgian revolution was the conflict that resulted in an independent Belgian kingdom. At the congress of Vienna, Belgium and the Netherlands were united into one state with king William I ruling over them. However many liberals did not like his rule, and on August 25th, revolutions started in Brussels. Later on in 1830, the conference of London recognized Belgian independence. However the dutch did not accept this decision until later on in 1839. Like most revolts this was liberal.
  • Great Reform Bill

    An act of Parliament in the United Kingdom that introduced a range of changes to the electoral system of English whales. It was designed to take effectual measures in correcting abuses in the choice of members who served in the commons house of parliament. It gave seats in the house of commons to large cities that came from the industrial revolution. It was liberal since it allowed more people to vote as well which is more freedom.
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    Chartist Movement

    The chartist movement was a working class movement for political reform in Britain. IT was named after the the peoples charter which was a bill made William Lovett. The supported voting reform as well as ones for property reform. Chartist Movement and payments for people in parliament. Like name says this movement was chartist. Could also be liberal since liberals often supported change and reforms.
  • Communist Manifesto published

    Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the communist manifesto is a small book that was requested by the communist league. It talks about approaches to class struggles and problems with capitalism. Since it was published it has became one of the most popular political work ever made. It was so influential, that by 1950, much of the world was under a Marxist government. The communist manifesto could be communist, Marxist, and socialist.
  • Napoleon III Coup d’etat

    French coup d'état of 2 December 1851 was set up by Napoleon III. It ended with the successful dissolution of the french national assembly and re-establishment of the french empire the next year. When he faced the possibility of having to leave officer in 1852, he staged a coup in order to stay in office and put in his reforms. It may be both conservatism and liberalism. Conservatism in the sense he stayed longer than he should have, but liberal since one reform was letting more people vote.
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    Crimean War

    A war fought between Russia, and France, The United Kingdom, The Kingdom of Sardinia, and The Ottoman Empire. Most of the fighting took place on the Crimean Peninsula, with some happening around Western Turkey, and the Baltic sea. Was a result of Russian pressure on Turkey which threatened British commerce and strategic interests. It ended with The Treaty of Paris which was signed on March 30 1856. The war would most likely be Imperialism since Russia was trying to become more powerful.
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    Napoleon’s liberal empire

    By the end of the 1850s, Napoleon III started to bring more liberal policies into the empire. Some of them were making trade unions legal, greater freedom of the press, official reports of debates in parliament could be published, and newspapers could also be published. Also free trade and free trade treaties. These reforms and the empire, like the name says, was liberal. They gave more freedom to the people which for a long time they did not have, which is part of characterizes liberalism.
  • On the Origins of Species published

    Written by Charles Darwin, On the Origins of Species is considered to be the foundation for evolutionary biology. The book provided a great deal of evidence that evolution had taken place, and came up with a theory of how it works. That theory being natural selection. This would mainly be connected to Darwinism/social Darwinism, but could also have a connection to Racism as well.
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    Dual Monarchy established (Austria-Hungary)

    The Austria-Hungary dual monarchy was a state in central europe that was made of the countries of Austria and Hungary. It was established with Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. Since it had to do with uniting two nations, it may be nationalism/liberalism, but then it could also be related to conservatism since there was still a sort of monarchy which of course is a conservatist way of ruling.
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    Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War was a war fought between France and Prussia who was leading the German states. The war was provoked by Bismarck and he wanted to unite Germany together by making them fight a common enemy and end the french influence over Germany. It ended with Prussia winning and a unified Germany being created. Since the end goal of this war was to have a unified country, this can count as both liberalism and nationalism.
  • Unification of Germany

    The unification of Germany was when all the separate German states were gathered together and made into one country. The whole unification was lead by Otto von Bismarck and achieved by a series of wars that eventually lead to them Being freed from countries that owned parts of them and then all being unified. Like the Italian unification, this would be nationalism and liberalism.