US and USSR withdrew troops from Korea
Successful Soviet testing of atomic bomb
US intelligence sources detected traces of radioactivity in the northern Pacific. The SU had detonated their first atomic bomb. Americans had underestimated the technological expertise of the Soviets. Soviet possession of the bomb "changed everything".- Influced Soviet decision regarding Korean (Soviets used KW as a proxy to fight the larger CW, therefore, KW was a CW conflict)
Fall of China to Communism
gave USSR courage to challenge US, led Stalin to giving permission to Kim to attack S.Korea.
For the US, it sparked an immense fear of the domino theory
US had to intervene in KW to prove their credibility in resisting communism across the world -
Truman authorised development of H-bomb
Dean Acheson’s Defence Perimeter speech
Stalin gave Kim permission to attack S.Korea
N.Korean attacked S.Korea
Arrival of US troops, but N.Koreans continued to adv
S.Korean forces pushed back to Pusan
S.Korean forces crossed the 38th //, entered N.Korea
Communist forces pushed south of Seoul
MacArthur openly called for A-bombing of China
Truman sacked MacArthur for insubordination
Stalemate: Peace talks began, dragged on for 2 years due to POW issue
Stalin wasted