Extend Voting Rights
Religios qualifications, instituted in colonial days, quickly disappeared. No State has had a religious test for voting since 1810. One by one, states began to eliminate property ownership and tax payment qualifications. -
Second Effort.
followe the Civil War. The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, was intended to protect any citizen from being denied the right to vote because of race or color. -
3rd effect; ables women to vote.
The 19th amendment prohibited the denial of the right to vote because of sex. It's ratification in 1920 completed the third expansion of suffrage. -
4th extension
Federal legislation and court devisions focused on securing African Americans a full role in the electoral process in all States. With the passage and viforous enforcement of a number of civil rights acts, especially the Voting Rights Act of 1665 and its later extensions, racial equality funally became fact in polling booths throughout the country. -
5th expansion
came with the adoption of the 26th amendment in 1971. It provides that no State can set the minimum age for voting at more than 18 years of age. In other words, those 18 and older can vote due to this amendment.