Fauve hat

Expressionsim :Fauvism and German Expressionsim

  • Period: to

    Fauvism and German Expressionsim

    Fauve was initially a critical term used to describe the almost wild use of color by this group but they embraced the term for it described theri non-natural use of color well. They also emphasized the flatness of painting with simple patterns and fields of color. German expressionsim was also interested in this use of color as well as in non-European subjects and spirituality. Some artists even moved toward abstract art.
  • Van Gogh Exhibit

    Artists were exposed to Van Goghs works which profoundly influenced them. They were inspired by his untraditional and expressive use of color.
  • Woman with the Hat

    Woman with the Hat
    HENRI MATISSE, Woman with the Hat, 1905. Oil on canvas
  • Der Blaue Reiter Gruppe forms

    Der Blaue Reiter Gruppe formed in Munich in 1911 and was one of the first groups to move toward the creation of abstract art.
  • Improvisation 28

    Improvisation 28
    VASSILY KANDINSKY, Improvisation 28 (second version), 1912. Oil on canvas
  • Fate of the Animals

    Fate of the Animals
    FRANZ MARC, Fate of the Animals, 1913. Oil on canvas,
  • WWI

    World War One broke out in 1914 and caused a massive destruction throughout Europe. Artists struggled during and after the event to express it and to adapt to the post-war world.