
Exposure to Media

  • Radio

    Radio is a technology of using radio waves to carry information, such as sound, by systematically modulating properties of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space, such as their amplitude, frequency,phase, or pulse width. in addition radio is a technology that carry information by its sound.
  • Cellphone

    use to communicate and to get news instantly and also it is a portable usually cordless telephone for use cellular system.
  • Computer

    a computer is machine or device that performs processes calculations, and operations base on instructions provided by software or hardware program. I used computer to search and look some important details that I need to learn.
  • Telivision

    TV is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting moving images in monochrome (black and white) or in color and in two or three dimensions and sound. the term can refer to a television set a television program (TV show ) or the medium of television is a mass medium for advertising, entertainment and news and I used television to look listen to the crucial news at same time i used television to watch entertainment movie.