Sep 17, 1520
The Stories countinues
Spanish explorers had claimed huge tracts of land in the New World. They sent gold and silver to Spain. From their base on Hispanola in the Caribbean Sea,Spainish officals eyed on the North America coast eagerly. -
Sep 17, 1520
Spaniards come to North Carolina
One spanish official who had his eye on the mainland north of Florida was was Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon. He had seen some of the Alantic coastline of this region on an exedition in. Ayllon intended to plant a strong colony for Spain along that coast -
Jul 18, 1526
Rio Jordan colony
Ayllon led a group of over 500 men, women , & Children to a river he called "Jordan". Historians think that it is actually North Carolina's Cape Fear River. -
Period: Jul 18, 1526 to Oct 18, 1526
Rio Jordan Colony
Oct 18, 1526
Only 150 colonist remained & returned to Hispaniola. -
Sep 18, 1539
Hernando de Soto
He sailed with a military exedition from Havana,Cuba to the west coast of Florida. They marched towards Tallhassee, Florida. -
Period: Sep 18, 1539 to Sep 18, 1540
Se Soto's expedition
Sep 19, 1560
Spainish furray
The alantic region that is today part of the southeastern North America. -
Period: Sep 19, 1560 to Sep 19, 1565
The Spainish Set Sights Southward
Sep 19, 1561
They are military leaders and adventures had taken firm control of mineral-rich lands in present-day Mexico and Peru -
Apr 30, 1562
Port Royal
Ribault's Huguenots attempted to settle near preasent day Port Royal, South Carolina. -
Sep 18, 1562
European nations challenge Spain
Jan Ribault had a colony nder him to North America. The colonist were Huguenots or French Protestants =were sometimes persecuted in Catholic France. -
Period: Sep 18, 1562 to Sep 18, 1565
France and Spain Fight for land
Sep 18, 1564
Port Royal
The Huguenot's gave u at Port Royal this year. Rene de Laudonniere led a group of colonist they settled at Fort Caroline,on the north Florida coast -
Sep 18, 1565
St. Augustine
To Spanish officals, the French fort was a direct threat.Spain sent troops under Pedro Menendez de Aviles to Florida. A storm wrecked his fleet however menendez lost no time in dealing with the French defenders. IN the fllowing years Menendez built forts throughout Florida to strengthen Spain's grip. St. Augustine is the oldest permanent European settlement in the present day. -
Sep 19, 1565
With possession of Florida fairly secure and greater wealth to te south,Spaniards focused their attention southward -
Period: Jan 18, 1566 to Dec 18, 1566
More Soanish Expeditions
Feb 18, 1566
An exadition set out for Chesapeake Bay from the West Indies to set up a Catholic mission. -
Feb 20, 1566
After Marking
They got back on their ships after the had explored the land breifly. They could not sail to Chesapeake Bay so they went back to West Indies. -
Feb 21, 1566
They landed at the tip of Currituck Inlet. There Pedro de Corons a leader of the expadition marked their landing by placing a wooden cross on the shore. -
Sep 19, 1566
The Return
Juan Pardo and Hernando Boyano led a small group of men to the South Carolina coast. They took the same route like 25 years ago.