Sep 20, 1519
First Day at Sea
Today was the first day of our voyage. It's been a diffuclt first day at sea. The captain and officers get to sleep inside the cabin, where it is warm. Us crewman have to sleep on the deck, against the cold hard wood boards. This makes it very difficult to sleep; uncomfortable and cold. -
Dec 22, 1519
Third Month at Sea
It's been about three months now, from the moment we stepped foot on this caravel. During that time, we've seen a few creatures we've only heard of, like whales. It's also been rough keeping oursleves clean and healthy. We've had numerous fevers these past three months. -
Mar 31, 1520
Puerto San Julian
We have arrived in Puerto San Julian. The native people in Puerto San Julian are giants, and we like to call them Patagonians. Earlier today were faced by a Spanish mutiny, which we overcame, executing mutineers and a captain or other leaders. -
Apr 10, 1520
Seventh Month at Sea
All that we've eaten these seven months is dry biscuits and fish with, most of the time, worms and maggots. When we're lucky, we get a warm meal. The only drinkable water we have looks yellow, and my legs are turning black. -
Nov 21, 1520
Strait of Magellan
We've reached the Straits of Magellan, probably the narrowist passage anyone could sail through. The winds and currents ehre are treturous, as they are unpredictable.The winds are swinging the boat, and the currents dragging us. -
Apr 27, 1521
Mactan Island
Today our Portuguese navigator, Ferdinand Magellan, was killed by a poison arrow. Magellan met with the local chief of Cebu Island to assist him on conquering the people of Mactan Island, shortly before we began battle. -
May 16, 1522
A Year and a Half at Sea
I am now aboard the "Victoria", the only ship that's left standing. Everyone has to woek for 4 hours, every watch, that is. During each of the watches, we have to scrub the deck and move the sails. Nights sleeping are terrible, sleeping on the open and hard deck. -
May 22, 1522
Cape of Good Hope
We are now rounding the Cape of Good Hope. Our crewmembers believe that this cape separates two oceans, maybe even one of the great capes of the Southern Ocean. There around tall rocky mounds or mountains surrounding the cape, opening up to the sea we are sailing. -
Sep 6, 1522
Last Day at Sea
Our last ship surviving was the "Victoria", the first ship to circumnavigate the whole globe, made it back to Spain today. Our voyage was stressful, full of labor and disease and sometimes even starvation. The struggle of sleeping through all of those fierce storms was miserable. -
Sep 6, 1522
Sanlucar de Barrameda
We finally reached Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain, back home. The land of this port is mainly flat, with a beach here and there along with a few trees. I also see the castle, Castillo de Santiago, in the distance behind the trees.