Explorers Timeline Activity: Chelsea Phan, Ashley Bautista Perez, Angelina Nguyen

By 332259
  • 1500

    Pedro Cabral landed in South America

    Pedro Cabral landed in South America
    The Portuguese sea captain Pedro Cabral landed in South America, which established Portugal’s claim of the region later named Brazil. European set a remarkable series of overseas journeys. The major causes of European exploration were gaining economic, conversion of religion, and expansion advantages. “Gold Glory God.”
  • 1502

    Columbus's fourth & final journey west in 1502

    His goal was to find the “Strait of Malacca” to try to find India. His ship was badly damaged by a storm so he and his crew were stranded on Jamaica for two years until help arrived. In 1504, Columbus and his men were taken back to Spain.
  • 1518

    First Enslaved Africans to Americas

    First Enslaved Africans to Americas
    A Spanish ship carried the first enslaved Africans directly from west Africa to the Americas. “During the next two centuries, this became the triangular trade between Africa, the Americas, and Europe.”
  • 1519

    Cortez arriving at Veracruz & Magellan setting sail searching for sea passage

    A Spanish force under the command of Herman Cortez landed at Veracruz. Cortez marched to Tenochtitlan with a small troop of soldiers-550 and 16 horses. As he went, he made alliances that had tired of the oppressive rule of the Aztec. Another vital explorer funded by Spain was Ferdinand Magellan, who set sail from Spain searching for sea passage through the Americas.
  • 1520

    Magellan considered the first person to sail entirely worldwide!

    Magellan considered the first person to sail entirely worldwide!
    Magellan passed through the waterway along the tip of South America, later called the Strait of Magellan, into the Pacific Ocean. The fleet reached the Philippines, but indigenous people there killed Magellan. Although only one of Magellan’s ships returned, he was considered the first person to sail entirely worldwide.
  • 1520

    Cortez's arriving cause population revolted & drove invaders from the land.

    When Cortez had first arrived, the local population revolted and drove the invaders from the land. Many Spaniards were killed. (4 months later, the Aztec surrendered).
  • 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan first expedition around the world

    Led the first expedition to sail completely around the world & proved that the world was round and larger than thought. Also discovered new oceans and land.
  • 1531

    Francisco Pizarro landed on Pacific coast of South America.

    Francisco Pizarro landed on the Pacific coast of South America with only 810 men and overthrew the Inca empire from the lack of immunity to smallpox.
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizarro executes the last Inca emperor.

    The Spanish spread across Ecuador and Chile, adding much of South America to Spain's empire.
  • 1534

    Jacques set sail from France

    Jacques set sail with 2 ships and 120 men, 60 on each boat. About 20 days later, Jacques arrived to Newfoundland. Cartier explored Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • 1535

    Establishment of new capital in Lima by Pizarro

    Establishment of new capital in Lima by Pizarro
    Pizarro had established a new capital in Lima for a new colony of the Spanish empire.
  • 1576

    Martin Frobisher sights land in North America

    Martin Frobisher sets sail for North America. He sights the coast of Labrador, Canada. Despite going three voyages, Frobisher is unsuccessful in finding the Northwest Passage.
  • English merchants found the East India Company

    English merchants found the East India Company
    A group of English merchants form the East India Company by royal charter to exploit trade in East and Southeast Asia & India. The English break the Spanish & Portuguese monopoly of the East Indian spice trade.
  • Founding of Mangazeya Town

    Mangazeya town was founded at Taz River between the Ob and Yenisey rivers, and dozens of boats from Pomor lands began annual navigations
  • Dutch merchants founded the Dutch East India Company

    Dutch merchants founded the Dutch East India Company
    A group of wealthy merchants found the Dutch East India Company. It furthers their quest to be the major European commercial power in the east. The company comes into conflict with the English East India Company.
  • Expedition to North Coast of Australia

    A Dutch expedition was sent to explore the north coast of Australia & others followed. They were blown off course on their way to the spice islands. Dutch merchant vessels were encountered & began to chart the west coast of Australia
  • Hudson embarked on a third voyage

    Hudsan embarked on a third voyage, this time, on behalf of the Dutch East India Company.
  • First sea voyage to Yana River

    Yakutian Cossacks Ivan Rebrov and Ilya Perfilyev headed down to the Lena River estuary and made the first sea voyage to the Yana River
  • End of Abel Tasman's Voyage

    End of Abel Tasman's Voyage
    End of Abel Tasman’s Voyage, who sailed south of the Australian continent and encountered Tasmania & New Zealand.
  • Semen Dezhnev discovered a strait between Asia & America

    Semen Dezhnev traversed the final segment: Lead 90 Cossacks on a journey from the Kolyma to Anadyr Rivers, discovering the strait between Asia & America which proved that they were different continents, & passing the cape which now bears his name.
  • William Dampier explorations

    William Dampier explored portions of Australia, island Southeast Asia, and the Bismarck Archipelago
  • Cadillac founded the city of Detroit

    Cadillac established a Great Lakes fur-trading post and founded Detroit.
  • Moghul Empire enables trade without paying duty in India

    Moghul Empire enables trade without paying duty in India
    India's Moghul Empire enables the British East India Company to trade without paying duty in India. Until it increases its strength and influence.
  • Period: to

    Bering's expedition to find out whether there was a land bridge linked with Asia & North America

    Bering led an expedition to identify whether or not a land bridge linked Asia and North America. Bering passed across what is now referred to as the Bering Strait, discovering a sea path to China via Siberia.
  • Scientific expeditions for islands of the Pacific

    The opposing nations started to send scientific expeditions to discover and map the islands of the Pacific.
  • Settlement on Missouri River

    A settlement mostly on Missouri River was named after the french woodsman Pierre Laclede and his stepson, Auguste Chouteau. It would eventually establish St. Louis, the capital of both the West's fur industry.
  • British Founded their first permanent colony

    British Founded their first permanent colony
    In Australia, the British founded their first permanent colony, sending shiploads of prisoners to colonize the land they claimed.