Jan 1, 1000
Leif Eriksson
Born:"Greenland Around 1000" Intersting Facts:
1. Leif Eriksson made a journey to North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus was born
2. His story and legend are still passed down via The Viking Sagas
3. He was given the task to convert Greenland to Christianity. Country They Sailed For: Iceland Reason For Voyage: To converet Greenland to Christianity DId He Acomplish His Goals?: No -
Jan 1, 1418
Henry The Navigator
Born: March 4, 1394, Porto, Portugal Interesting Facts:
1.Prince Henry The Navigator was very famous
2.When Prince Henry was in Africa, he captured and sold slaves.
3.During his expidition, Prince Henry was abandoned by some of his crew members due to their fear of "The Sea Of Darkness" Country He Sailed For: Portugal Purpose Of Voyage: To develop maps, find trade routes, spread Christianity, and defeat the Muslims Did He Acomplish His Goal?: He acomplished mapping Africa -
Jan 1, 1487
Bartolomeu Dias
Born: 1450, Algarve, Portugal Intersting Facts:
1. He was a member of the Royal Portugese Court
2. He was the Sail Master of the Man-O-War
3. He commanded 4 ships. Country They Sailed For: Portugal Reason For Voyage: To explore the coast of Africa DId He Acomplish His Goals?: Yes, and more. -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus: Journey 1
Born: 31 October 1450, Genoa, Italy Interesting Facts:
1. Some of the first people Christopher Columbus met were sold and thrown into slavery
2. He did not set out to prove the Earth was round
3. 3 Countries refused to support Columbus's voyage Country He Sailed For: Spain Purpose of voyage; To find a route to India Did He Acomplish His Goal?: No, however, he did discover, Hispanisola, and sail to Mexico, Honduras, and Panama -
Sep 25, 1493
Christopher Columbus: Journey 2
Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot: Journey 1
Born: Italy, 1450 Intersting Facts:
1. His last name means "coastal seaman"
2. During his second voyage, the weather got too cold and his crew had refused to head any further north.
3. His second son had sailed to the coast of North America Country They Sailed For: England Reason For Voyage: To find a Northwest Passage across North America to Asia DId He Acomplish His Goals?: No -
Jul 8, 1497
Vasco da Gama
Born: Sines, Portugal, Around 1460 Interesting Facts
1.His father was originally supposed to sail the expidition he sailed, but he had died so the expidition was handed to Vasco.
2. He left with 170 men, only 55 survived the expidition
3. He used compasses, an insturment called an astrolabe, and astronomical charts Country He Sailed For: Portugal Purpose Of His Voyage: To travel to India Did He Acomplish His Goals: Yes, but not without problems -
May 30, 1498
Christopher Columbus: Journey 3
Sep 10, 1498
John Cabot: Journey 2
Jan 1, 1499
Amerigo Vespucci
Born: March 9 1451, Florence, Italy Interesting Facts
1. In 1492, Amerigo helped prepare Christoher Columbus's ships to set sail
2. Amerigo was the first person to determine that the New World was a Continent and not the West Indies
3. In 1502 he named a few constellations, such as the Southern Cross, and a few others. Country He Sailed For: Italy Purpose Of His Voyage: To discover more places in The New World Did He Acomplish His Goals: Yes, he discovered present day America -
Jan 1, 1500
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Born: 1475, Jerez De Los Caballeros, Spain Interesting Facts
1. In 1502 when he lived in Hispaniola he raised pigs for a living
2. In 1509 he set sail as a stowaway, hiding inside of a barrel with his dog Leoncico
3. In 1519 he was executed for alleged treason against the King Country He Sailed For: Spain Purpose Of His Voyage: To find gold and other treasures Did He Acomplish His Goals: Yes, although he was also the first to make it to the Isthmus Of Panama -
May 9, 1502
Christopher Columbus: Fourth Journey
Jan 1, 1519
Hernan Cortez
Born: 1485, Medellin, Spain Intersting Facts:
1. He was mistaken for a god
2. He conquered the Aztec nation of 5 Million with only 1000 Soldiers.
3. Cortes named California Country He Sailed For: Spain Reason For Voyage: To find gold Did He Accomplish His Goal?: Yes -
Sep 8, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
Born: 1480, Sabrosa, Portugal Intersting Facts:
1. He was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.
2. He had a multinational crew
3. Magellan was considered a traitor to Portugal Country They Sailed For: Portugal/Spain Reason For Voyage: They had planned to sail to a certain place, but had ended up circumnavigating the world DId He Acomplish His Goals?: Yes. -
Jan 1, 1524
Hernando De Soto
Born: 1500, Jerez De Los Caballeros Intersting Facts:
1. He came from a middle class Spanish family
2. At the age of 14 he left on a voyage for the West Indies
3. He stole all of the Incans treasure and killed over 1000 people. Country They Sailed For: Spain Reason For Voyage: Gold DId He Acomplish His Goals?: Yes -
Jan 1, 1526
Sebastian Cabot
Born: 1477, Bristol, United-Kingdom Intersting Facts:
1. When he returned from his expidition and told that it was a complete failure, he was banished for two years to Africa
2. He founded the company of Merchant Adventurers.
3. When he moved back to England, he was appointed Great Pilot Country They Sailed For: England Reason For Voyage: To travel around the world and make maps. DId He Acomplish His Goals?: Yes -
Jan 1, 1532
Francisco Pizarro
Born: 1478, Trujillo, Spain Interesting Facts:
1. He was appointed Governor of Peru after he found riches and other gold.
2. He rose from nothing to fame
3. He relied greatly upon his brothers. Country He Sailed For: Spain Reason For Voyage: To find gold, riches and conquer land Were His Goals Acomplished?: Yes, Very successful. -
Dec 13, 1577
Sir Francis Drake
Born: 1540, Tavistock, Devon, United Kingdom Interesting Facts:
1. He made his first voyage at the age of 22
2. He was 22 when he first obtained the command of a ship.
3. Queen Elizabeth awarded him knighthood. Country He Sailed For: United Kingdom Reason For Voyage: To sail around the world, and find gold Did He Acomplish His Goals: Yes -
Sir Walter Raleigh
Born: ???, East Budleigh, United Kingdom Interesting Facts:
1. He was beheaded for alleged treason.
2. His head was embalmed and presented to his wife,
3. One of his employees was the first person to bring back a potato. Country He Sailed For: England Reason For Voyage: To find new settlements, gold, and trade routes. Did He Accomplish His Goals?: Yes and no, -
Henry Hudson
Born: 1565 Interesting Facts:
1. His crew mutinied and threw him overboard with his brother, and other crew members
2. Hudson has had 3 different waterway's named after him.
3. He had 3 sons. Country He Sailed For: United Kingdom Reason For Voyage: To find different passages around North America. Did He Accomplish His Goals?: Yes -
Peter Minuit
Born: 1580, Wesel, Germany Interesting Facts:
1. He was a Dutch Colonial Governor
2. He purchased Manhattan
3. He helped to found the first Swedish Colony in America Country He Sailed For: Dutch Reason For Voyage: To gain land. Did He Accomplish His Goals?: Yes