Explorations-Nick Good

  • Nov 11, 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death becomes one of the largest epidemics to hit the world. Mongols were the first to start this epidemic and was spread via trade and rats. It wipes out 1/3 of Europe's population. It was the largest and still is one of the largest epidemics to happen to man kind.
  • Period: Nov 11, 1346 to


  • Aug 14, 1347

    Guns in Europe

    Guns in Europe
    The first guns are made in Europe to assist with the sword. Guns allowed for the enemy to be attacked at a distance. With the idea of Gun powder already created by China, Europe could make guns with ease. Guns allowed for Europeans to conquer the Americas with ease.
  • Jan 30, 1420

    Cape of Good Hope

    Cape of Good Hope
    The first caravels are built to make sailing easier and faster. With the caravels, Asian sailors were able to sail throught the treachorous Cape of Good Hope. Once they were past, they had officially reached the Atlantic Ocean. This was the first time they had reached the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Apr 24, 1453

    Beginning of Renaissance

    Beginning of Renaissance
    The Christian city of Constantinople falls to Moslem Turks. With the fall, the Renaissance has a time to "start." With the beginning of the Renaissance, people are making huge religious and technological advances. With the advances, people are able to finally sail the Atlantic Ocean and discover what exists in the unknown.
  • Nov 10, 1492

    Columbus and America

    Columbus and America
    Columbus is the first to discover the new lands which happen to be a new continent. He believed he was in India and discovered a faster way to get there, not realizing it was a completely different continent. Columbus learns that compasses change direction slightly as latitude changes as well as conquered the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Sep 1, 1497

    India via Africa

    India via Africa
    India is finally reached by going down the Atlantic Ocean along Africa, sailing through the Cape of Good Hope, and sailing the Indian Ocean into India. Vasco de Gama was the one to discover this and realize that there is a way to sail to India. This marks the quickest way to sail from Europe to India. Trade is now flourishing due to the discovery.
  • Nov 11, 1499

    Discovering a new Continent

    Discovering a new Continent
    Amerigo Vespucchi sails along the coast of South America. When sailing, he realizes that he is not in India or any part of Asia. He realizes he is on a new set of continents. In his discovery of two new continents, both are named "America" in his honor.
  • Dec 11, 1513

    Discovering the Pacific

    Discovering the Pacific
    Balboa is the first to cross the Ithmus of Panama and find the Pacific Ocean on the other side. With his discovery, he unknowingly discovers the other side of the two new continents. Along with the discovering of the Pacific, Ponce de Leon discovers the peninsula of Florida. His discovery leads to the formation of America.
  • May 5, 1514


    Europeans become "accidental conquerers" of the new world. They bring along a disease known as Smallpox that the Europeans are immune to and the Native Americans aren't. The disease wipes out chunks of the Native American population and creates havoc among the two peoples. This leads to domination of the Native Americans by the Europeans.
  • Nov 14, 1521

    Fall of Aztec

    Fall of Aztec
    The leading Aztec empire finally falls to the Spanish forces. It's domination fades as the Spanish finally overpower them. New Spain, capital of mexico, is built on Tenochitlan to represent Spain in the new continent. The Spanish now have control over the new continent.
  • Nov 14, 1533


    Atahualpa, emperor of the Incas, is hanged. Pizarro personaly does the deed to show his power over the natives. With him being killed, Spain now holds power over Mexico. Spain then killed off the people via murder and disease. Atahualpa's death was the downfall of mexico.
  • Nov 14, 1577

    Circumnavigating the Globe

    Circumnavigating the Globe
    Sir Francis Drake becomes the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. Nobody had yet completely gone around the world. He proved that the world WAS round and that you could go completely around the world. His discovery helped with navigation and understanding how the world is to help with sailing and trade.
  • Fall of Spain, Rise of England

    Fall of Spain, Rise of England
    The destruction of Spain's Armada cause Spain to fail as leader of the sea. Francis Drake and another man did so to bring England to the top of the world sea's power. Now with England with the most power, England controlled who went where and the new world. Their power would lead to the colonialization of the new world.
  • Australia

    Australia, the last known inhabitable continent, is found by the Dutch. This is key to trade because now they have a new continent to trade with. The large land mass shows new people, animals, and cargo in which the new explorers will use for their own pleasure. Australia is now in the power of the Europeans.
  • Jamestown

    Virginia's first town, and America's first colony is created. The English founded it and named it Jamestown. It is the very first colony to survive in the new world. This marks the ability to colonize in the new world.
  • Part 1: Reasoning

    Each section I had picked for this project had a close relation to exploration. The black death had killed many people who could have helped with exploration and exploration helped to spread the black death. Guns had allowed the Spanish to dominate the outnumbering native americans. The Cape of Good Hope allowed sailors to go from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. The taking of Constantinople shows the beginning of the Renaissance which made the huge move for exploration.
  • Part 2: Exploration

    Columbus found America and allowed explorers to see the new world. Vasco da Gama showed the quickest way to get to India from Europe. Vepucci helped prove that columbus's continent was a new one. Everything that I picked proves that exploration was important and the people and events involved effected exploration majorly.