Jul 12, 1493
Columbus first settlement in New world
Who: Christopher Columbus
What: Went on four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean to settle and it started the sapnish colonization of the new world
Where: Hispaniola For what country: Spain, the Spanish -
Aug 11, 1507
World Map
Maritn Wald Seemiiler
The first map to use the name America. First map printed or manuscript to depict clearly a seperate western hemisphere, with the Pacific as a seperate ocean St.Die, naer Stratbourg, France -
Jul 2, 1513
Vasco Nunez de balboa
Who: Vasco Nunez de balboa
What: Discovered and explored the Pacific Ocean and conquered large territiories of North, Central, and South America.
When: North, Central, and South America Country it was for: The Spanish/Spain -
May 18, 1539
The Expedition of Hernado De Soto in southeastern North America
~ On May 18,1539, Hernando De Soto and a fleet of nine other ships and boats sailed from Havana, Cuba. On the 25th of May they saw land and casted the anchor. They didin't arrive on land until the 30th. Once they were on land, General Vasco Porcallo, took seven horesmen and went to discover the land. They came across six Indians, one of the horsemen killed two the other four escaped. -
Aug 11, 1540
Francisco Vazquez de Coronado
Cornado took his army on a journey through New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas wealth/wealthy trade centers. The expedition was considered a failure because Cornado didn't find wealth and it hurt the fortune, of many participants. Where: Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. -
Aug 12, 1562
The explration of the Florida
Who: Jean Ribault
Where: St. Johns RIver area in Florida
When: 1562
For: France
What: He led the exploration of the River area of Florida outer banks -
Walter Raleigh
Who: Walter Raleigh
What: took one of the first English settlement attempts. Set up a colony of 100 men on East Coast of North America and name the land Virginia after Queen Elizabeth who was a Virginia queen, the settlers lasted for a year then returned home to England. There was a second attempt at settlement in 1587 in Roanoke, Virginia
When: 1585
Where:Virginia For what country: England/ The English -
Colony of the New Netherlands
Who: The Dutch
Where: New York
When: 1624
For: The Dutch
What: Colony of New Netherland was established by Dutch West India company, and grew to occupy all of todays New York City, and parts of Long Islands, Connecticut, and New Jersey. Successful Dutch Settlement