Jan 1, 1451
Christopher Columbus
In this year Christopher was born. He was born in Genoa, Italy. Cristoforo Colombo was his full name at birth. -
Jan 1, 1465
First time
Christopher at the age of fourteen, went for the first time on the sea and working on a boat. At that moment he knew that he loved the sea. -
Jan 1, 1474
Got the job
He got the job! At the age of twenty three he was finally hired as a sailor. The first island he visited was Khios, and he spent a year here. -
Jan 1, 1477
Series of voyages
This began his series of voyages all in the next seven years of his life. His expedition at this time took him farther away such as Iceland, and Guinea. -
Jan 1, 1485
New Name
Columbus starts to envision his trip to the Indies. However he did have financial problmes with this. After a while he moved to Spain for awhile. -
Aug 3, 1492
Began his journey
Columbus begins his journey to the Americas with three ships and about 100 men. -
Aug 10, 1492
Canary Island
He arrived at the Canary Islands and stopped for provisions and repairs. He hated stoping places because he thought he would run out of time. -
Dec 25, 1492
Navidad is found
His ship, the Santa Marian sinks. Columbus then found La Navidad. -
Jan 15, 1493
Storms and ships
Columbus and both ships depart for Spain, leaving 39 men in La Navidad. However, the two ships are separated in a storm. Bye both shipd he means the nina, and the santa maria. -
Mar 15, 1493
The end.. For now
The ships, Nina, and the Pinta, make it back to Palos, Spain. Which did end his first voyage. He started his second voyage in September 1493.