World map

Exploration timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Leif Erickson

    Leif Erickson
    Vinland was the name given to an area of North America by Norse Vikings.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus's first voyage

     Columbus's first voyage
    columbus thought he was going to asia but he navagated wrond and discoved america but he thought it was a part of asia.
  • Sep 24, 1493

    Columbus's second voyage

    Columbus's second voyage
    Columbus's second voyage marked the start of colonialsm in the New world.
  • May 30, 1498

    Columbus's third voyage

    Columbus's third voyage
    Columbus went from spain, this time from the port of Sancular, with six vessels. The group of ships landed on June 19 at the Canary Islands.
  • Henry Hudson sails up the Hudson River

    Henry Hudson sails up the Hudson River
    Henry Hudson and his crew aboard the half moon sailed into the majestic river off the atlantic coast by chance.