Exploration Time line

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Henry the Navigator

    Henry the Navigator
    1394-1460 A.D. With an Account of Geographical Progress Throughout the Middle Ages As the Preparation for His Work. Henry sent many sailing expeditions down Africa's west coast, but did not go on them
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus’s First Voyage

    Columbus’s First Voyage
    On the evening of August 3rd 1492, Columbus left Palos with three ships, the Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta. His crew mostly came from surrounding towns such as Lepe and Moguer. He first sailed to the Canary Islands, owned by Castile, where he reprovisioned and made repairs. He was delayed there for four weeks by calm winds. Columbus left the island of Gomera on September 6, 1492, but light winds again left him within sight of the western island of Hierro until September 8. He then started what tur
  • Oct 13, 1493

    Columbus’s Second Voyage

    Columbus’s Second Voyage
    The second voyage was to be a large scale colonization and exploration project. Columbus was given 17 ships and over 1,000 men. Included on this voyage, for the first time, were European domesticated animals such as pigs, horses and cattle. Columbus’ orders were to expand the settlement on Hispaniola, convert the natives to Christianity, establish a trading post and continue his explorations in search of China or Japan. The fleet set sail on October 13th, 1493 and made excellent time.
  • Apr 21, 1500

    Cabral reaches Brazil

    The discovery of Brazil was an episode in the creation of a Portuguese commercial empire which in less than a hundred years extended to four continents. The Portuguese established West African coastal stations from early in the fifteenth century. In 1499 Vasco da Gama returned in triumph to Lisbon from his epoch-making voyage to India round the Cape of Good Hope
  • Dec 2, 1519

    Cortes lands in Mexico

    Cortes lands in Mexico
    It is spring, 1519. A Spanish expedition consisting of 11 ships is setting sail westward in hopes of expanding the Empire. News had reached Velasquez, the governor of Cuba, that some of his men had found land past the oceanic horizon where the sun sets. Velasquez appointed Hernan Cortes as Captain-General of the Armada and sent him off to follow the rumor
  • Henry Hudson sails up the Hudson River

    Henry Hudson sails up the Hudson River
    Henry Hudson and his crew aboard the Half Moon sailed into the majestic river off the Atlantic coast by chance. Strong head winds and storms forced them to abandon the northeast voyage they had been assigned.