Jan 1, 1415
Henry encouraged his fathy to conquer ceuta, the muslim port on the north african coast . -
Jan 1, 1420
prince henry
João Gonçalves Zarco, Bartolomeu Perestrelo and Tristão Vaz Teixeira rediscovered the Madeira Islands, and at Henry's instigation Portuguese settlers colonized the islands. -
May 25, 1420
prince henry the navigator
He gained appointment as the very rich, order of christ -
Jan 1, 1427
Gonçalo Velho, discovered the Azores . -
Period: Jan 1, 1439 to Jan 1, 1448
prince henry
Henry promoted the colonization of the Azores during peters regency . -
May 1, 1476
he took part in an armed convoy sent by Genoa to carry a valuable cargo to northern Europe. -
Jan 1, 1485
Columbus presented his plans to John II, King of Portugal. He proposed that the king equip three sturdy ships and grant Columbus one year's time to sail out into the Atlantic, search for a western route to the Orient, and return. -
May 1, 1486
Columbus presented his plans to Queen Isabella, who, in turn, referred it to a committee. -
May 1, 1488
Bartolomeu Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope, in what is now South Africa. -
Jan 1, 1492
christopher columbus
landed in the Bahamas during his first voyage . -
May 20, 1498
vasco da gama
gama landed in calicut . -
Jan 1, 1500
He traveled to the new world and after exploration settled on the island of hispaniola -
Jan 1, 1500
columbus was arrested . -
Jan 1, 1501
he crossed the Caribbean coasts from the east of Panama, along the Colombian coast, through the Gulf of Urabá toward Cabo de la Vela. -
Jan 1, 1513
vasco balboa
crossed the isthmus of panama to the pacific ocean and became the first European to lead an expedition to have seen or reached the Pacific from the New World. -
Jan 1, 1524
vasco da gama
named as the govorner of india .