Jun 10, 1562
A Day at Sea
Along with myself, forty-two crew members are aboard the Black Pearl after sailing off from Ireland in search of gold. Among these people were mostly sailers. As for me, I prefer the term borrower of treasure but for the rest of us on board most men like me are know as pirates. We are headed for our first Port, Clew Bay -
Nov 17, 1562
Port Clew Bay
This port on the west coast of Ireland may not seem like a prime pirate territory but from what me and my crew saw Ms. Grace O' Malley ordering her seafaring clan to control the coastlines through intimidating attacks. We have yet to find gold there, therefore we set sail for our next destination, Port New Providence. -
Feb 12, 1563
A Day at Sea
We haven't landed in three months and all the food has mostly gone to rotten. Everything left has molded except for some stale, dry crackers covered in weevils. We're living on crackers and rum, I hope to land soon. According to the captain New Providence is only a few weeks away. -
Mar 7, 1563
Port New Providence
We've landed at this lawless nest of pirates port and stocked up on fresh food and water and scoured the people and bars yet no gold to be found. The food should at least last us until our next port. -
Jun 24, 1563
A Day at Sea
We havent landed and months and after being attcked recently this wound on my leg will not heal up after not being treated. Since the attack life on board has been extremely boring. When time off from chores, the crew likes to dance, sing, play cards, or sleep to occupy ourselves. Our next port is taking forever to get to, all the way in the Gulf of Mexico. -
Jul 31, 1563
Port Barataria Bay
After landing, these shores seem to be dry of gold. About a dozen other pirate ships docked and I assume we've come too late.There doesn"t seem to be anything here for us. We set sail tomorrow. -
Dec 12, 1563
A Day at Sea
A handful of crew on board has suffured from numerous diseases such as scurvy from lack of vitiman C, yellowjacket or yellow fever, and dilirium tremens or hallucinations due to alcohol. If we dont land soon I'm afraid these diseases will begin to spread even more rapidly. -
Oct 27, 1564
Port Ocracoke
After very long months of disease, starvation and insanity the crew has reduced in size since we first set sail. Finally we've landed on Ocracoke Island where our search for gold continues. The almighty pirate Blackbeard masters these shores in the atlantic ocean. We were unsuccessful in battling him for gold. Now off to our next destination, Barbary coast. -
Jan 15, 1565
A Day at Sea
On board the ship was nothing clean and fancy. We've lived in filthy, cramped quarters for almost three years now. Rats have gnaw through almost everthing. Wood upon the ship has begun to rot over time with no permanant fix. No gold has been found, I just hope our next and final port will be where the treasure lies. -
Apr 10, 1565
Port Barbary Island
Finally, we've landed for our last and final time after a long journey of almost two years. Here at barbary Island, off the coast of North Africa, a lot of tradeing goes on between pirates such as food, new pirates, and even gold. The captain traded almost a third of our men for all the gold we'd ever need. Our voyage has finally been furfilled. Life as a pirate could never get old.