Exploration - Kevin Taylor

  • Jan 1, 1347

    The first guns appear in Europe

    The first guns appear in Europe
    The person who first thought of gunpowder being used as a propellent is unknown. The first illistration of a gun was made by Walter de Millemete. Very primitive and bulky. Not pratical for any use except for cannons if that.
  • Nov 11, 1390

    Geoffrey Chaucer writes a book about the Astrolabe

    Geoffrey Chaucer writes a book about the Astrolabe
    He wrote a book about the astrolabe for his son. Other astronomers would go onto translate this book to use it's contents in their resrearch. The astrolabe is an instrument used for navigation by the stars. This instrument dates back to 150 BC.
  • Nov 11, 1400

    Major improvements are made in sailing ships

    Major improvements are made in sailing ships
    Major improvement are made making so that ships are faster more manuverauble. The improvements also make the ships easier to dock. The improvements were that sailing ships now had more then one mast and sails. These imoprovemetns were very vaulable and were soon added to every sailing ship.
  • Nov 11, 1406

    Long-Lost map of Ptomoley is found

    Long-Lost map of Ptomoley is found
    The long-lost map of Ptomoley is found in western Europe. This map is thought to be the best existing map of the world. This map make Columbus believe that Asia can be reached by sailing west. This map however was inaccurate in the way that the americas were not on there.
  • Nov 11, 1465

    Navigation by the Stars is greatly improved

    Navigation by the Stars is greatly improved
    With the improvements in astronomy sailors are able to use the strars to arrive at their destination more accurately. Also the improvements let sailors tell there location while at sea more accurate. The developement of the improvements were helped by the building of the observatory in central asia.
  • Nov 11, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas is created

    Treaty of Tordesillas is created
    This treaty divides the undiscovered land between Spain and Portugal. The treaty was enacted by Pope Alexander VI. The line was recreated in 1494 in the Spanish town of Tordesillas. The Portugeses were not happy with the initial distribution.
  • Nov 11, 1498

    Columbus discovers Americas but thinks it is part of Asia

    Columbus discovers Americas but thinks it is part of Asia
    This happened on his third voyage. He set out with six ships and explored south america. He landed on the south side of the island of trinidad. He was supportive of enslaving the natives for economical reasons.
  • Nov 11, 1509

    Sebastian Cabot explorers the coast of Greenland and the Hundson Bay

    Sebastian Cabot explorers the coast of Greenland and the Hundson Bay
    Sebastion Cabot explores the cold north of North America. He is one of the first people to do so. He explores the coast of Greenland and the Hudson Bay. It was very cold.
  • Nov 11, 1513

    Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean and Ponce de Leon lands in Florida

    Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean and Ponce de Leon lands in Florida
    Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean. He is the first European to see it. Ponce de Leon land in Florida. He goes to Florida because he heard rumors it existed.
  • Nov 11, 1514

    Smallpox brought by Europeans to Americas

    Smallpox brought by Europeans to Americas
    Small Pox disease is brought to the Americas. The disease rampages through the Americas. It takes the lives of many natives. It also leaves them open to attack from Spanish conquistador. The small pox disease play a big part in American conquest.
  • Nov 11, 1520

    Magellan enters Pacific Ocean

    Magellan enters Pacific Ocean
    After travelling through strait he reached the Pacific ocean. He is the first person to explore the Pacific from the Alantic Ocean. He had three ships with him. The strait he travelled through is now called the Magellen Strait.
  • Nov 11, 1521

    Aztec Empire falls to Spanish forces

    Aztec Empire falls to Spanish forces
    The might Aztecs fall to the spanish conquinsador Cortes. He accomplished this with only a few hundred men and their technology. He also used cheap tactics like kidnapping the Aztec leader. He also had the small pox disease on his side.
  • Nov 11, 1542

    Giovanni Verrazano explores North American coast

    Giovanni Verrazano explores North American coast
    He had already explored the coast of South and Central America. He came into contact with Natives Americans along the coast. He did not howerver notice the entrances to any major bodies of water. Though he did observe the entrance to the Hudson river.
  • Francis Drake destroys Spanish Armada

    Francis Drake destroys Spanish Armada
    Sir Francis Drake was an english salior. He raided the armada by order of the Queen in the port of Cadiz. He sank 30 ships and stole a lot of supplies. This made his even more of a hero then he already was.
  • Dutch explorers discover Australia

    Dutch explorers discover Australia
    The dutch traded with the islands that are now known as indonesia. They discovered Australia very easily since they were already so close to it. Many others explored other parts of Australia. However the dutch's exploration is among the greatest.
  • Kevin Taylor

    I chose these events for many reasons. My first reason is that many of these events are what improved the technology that is used for exploration. Also these events are what "opened new doors" for the world of exploration. Another reason is that what people in some of my events have done influenced others to explore more. Finally these events are what most people think of when they think of exploration.