Aug 10, 1519
Journal #1
Today is a sad day, in which I have to say goodbye to my beloved family. Today, also, is a day of excitement. Today, the Armada De Moluccas voyage will begin to find the Atlantic-Pacific passage. I will be with the Trinidad ship, and the San Antonio, the Conception, the Victoria, and the Santiago shouldn't be far behind. I hope the best for all 270 of us. -Ferdinand Magellan -
Sep 25, 1519
Journal #2
We have sailed from Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, to the Ocean Sea and are still looking for the straight. Things are going well, however someone has recently gotten sick. We're trying to help and they're getting better. We'll need to trade for medicine soon at the nearest port. -Ferdinand Magellan -
Apr 18, 1520
Port St. Julian
Easter Day, today, we arrived at Port St. Julian where we mutinied. In order to stop this uprising, I had to execture one captain, and leave another behind. While this revolt was happening, I sent the Santiago to explore the route ahead. Sadly, the ship wrecked due to a storm. Luckily all members were found, rescued and assigned to a different ship. -Ferdinand Magellan -
Oct 21, 1520
Port Ushuaia
We stopped at Port Ushuaia today to replensih sources. So far the water near here is rough and we're hoping to last long enough to return home with good news. -Ferdinand Magellan -
Feb 23, 1521
Journal #3
We have just left the port, and the weather isn't on our side. It's getting colder by the day and storms have begun. Our food is okay for now and so is our water, but if this weather keeps up, there won't be anything we can do to shelter the water so it won't freeze. Our journey continues and hopefully in the next few months, we will find the passage. A few crew members have gotten a cold and we are trying to trade for some medicine at a near port, but it's not certain it will happen.-Ferdinand -
Mar 22, 1521
Journal #4
Months ago, we entered the straight. This should be good news, but a terrible event took place. The crew on the San Antonio ship forced their captain to desert and the ship fled back to Spain. Now only three ships are left, and we are withouth the Santiago and the San Antonio. We also found an ocean! We called it Mar Pacifico because of it's peacefulness and vastness. The waters were rougher than we thought, but today we reached the island of Guam and we replenished our food stores. -Ferdinand M -
Mar 25, 1521
Port of Cebu
The locals are very friendly at the Port of Cebu on the island of Guam. We have traded for silk and food and we're now staying there. Everthing on the journey hasn't gotten much better, and the weather isn't too great, but other than that, the journey is fine. -Ferdinand Magellan -
Apr 27, 1521
Journal #5
Today I have sad news. This is a fellow crew member of Magellen's. We made it to the island Cebu, and we have befriended the locals. We were invited to fight the island of Mactan byt the locals, and Ferdinand agreed. We advised against it, but he didn't listen to us. He himself led the attack and the Mactanese fought feircer than we thought they would. Ferdinand was shot with a poison arrow and died today. Only three ships are left and Ferdinand Magellan will be missed dearly. -Victoria Crew -
Nov 5, 1521
Port Moluccas
This is another crew member writing for Ferdinand, from the VIctoria. We have reached Moluccas and are greatful. We are going to return home soon and we are still hoping that we can bring good news. -Victoria Crew -
Sep 25, 1522
Port Seville
Once again, a crew member from VIctoria writing for Magellan. We have returned to Seville, Spain with a cargo of spices, but only 18 crew members and our ship. We hope that Ferdinand is happy with us for what we have done, and without him we wouldn't ahve been able to go on this voyage. He led us around the world. -Victoria Crew