Jan 1, 1000
leif erikson is said to land in north america before europeans did -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
Sep 10, 1394
henry the navigator
explored western africa and the islands of the alantic -
Sep 10, 1460
a purtagus explorer who found a water route to india -
Apr 15, 1492
first voyage
named his boats the nina pinta and the santa maria -
Sep 24, 1493
second voyage
explored the carribian -
Jun 7, 1494
treaty of tordesillas
The lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain -
May 11, 1502
columbas sent out on his last voage to the new world -
Jan 1, 1580
henry hudson went up the huson river to find trading routes for