Exploration and Conquest

By Zanthia
  • 1451

    The Atlantic Slave Trade

    The Atlantic Slave Trade
    Catholic cleric that denounced brutality of the ecomienda framework Las Casas recommended the Spanish utilize African American slaves.Many Europeans trusted Africans were resistant to tropical diseases and significantly more grounded than native American.
  • 1453

    Effects in Africa

    A decline in the male population, increase of polygamy.Increase in warfare and conflict between African states/tribes.
  • 1492

    Colombian Exchange

    Colombian Exchange
    Stream of merchandise, germs, nourishment's, plants, human culture and population between the Old World and the New World.The two worlds had been parted by a sea for a large number of years! This all changed when Columbus invaded.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean.

    Inspired by Portugal's early success in navigation, Spain finances Christopher Columbus' voyage to find a western trade route to Asia. Columbus lands in the Caribbean in 1492, convinced he has reached East Asia. His voyage opens the Americas to later European explorers.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Line of Demarcation -Treaty of Tordesillas

    Line of Demarcation -Treaty of Tordesillas
    A line that divided up the world between Portugal and Spain Anything to the west of the line belonged to Spain and everything to the East belonged to Portugal Other European nations did not accept this line
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco da Gama reaches India after rounding Africa.

    Vasco da Gama reaches India after rounding Africa.
    Reached India by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope (Southern tip of Africa) and opened a new trade route for Portugal.
  • 1519

    Spanish Conquest of the Americas

    Conquered the Aztecs with 500 men, several horses and cannons.The Aztec empire was a complex state built on military conquest unlike the small Caribbean tribes.
  • 1532

    Spanish conquest of the Incas

    Francisco Pizarro led the Spanish conquest of the Incas.The Europeans arrived just at the end of a bloody Inca Civil War After the Inca king refused to cooperate, the Spanish captured the king and slaughtered the Incas.
  • the far East

    At first, embraced Western culture…until Christians began to convert the Japanese Japan closed it’s doors to Europe and became isolated from the west for over 200 years (Sakoku: locked country)
  • Impact of the Triangular Trade

    Impact of the Triangular Trade
    England was the first country to outlaw the slave trade. William Wilberforce looked at the issue from a moral perspective instead of an economic one.