Sep 3, 1492
King and Queen of Spain Supply for Columbus' Voyage
Christopher Columbus believed that Asia could be reached by sailing west from Europe. Christopher persuaded the king and queen of Spain to supply money for a trip of exploration. -
Dec 27, 1492
Columbus sails the seas
Christopher led his first exploration westward. He landed in the Bahamas, he believed that these islands were near Asia. -
Oct 31, 1497
John Cabot's Voyage
King Henry VII sent John Cabot on a voyage to the west. The English thought that there might be a water route through the Americas that would lead to Asia. -
Nov 11, 1497
Henry the Navigator
Henry the Navigator was a sea captain and explorer who was directed to explore southward along the coast of Africa. He wanted someone to find a route around the continent to the Spice Islands, near India. -
Jul 7, 1498
Another Voyage by Columbus
Columbus reached South America. A mapmaker labeled these parts of land "America" and the name stuck. -
Jul 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama
Henry the Navigator wanted sea captains to explore southward along Africa. He wanted someone to find a route around the continent of the Spice Islands. Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama found such a route and sailed all the way to India. -
Aug 13, 1498
John Cabot Once again
Cabot did not find Asia, although he did land on the far northern Atlantic coast of North America (Probably the island of Newfoundland). Like many other explorers, Cabot failed to find the Northwest Passage. For a while, Europeans gave up on their search for this route. -
Period: Sep 3, 1501 to Sep 3, 1508
Columbian Trade
Following the years of Comlubus' voyages, a great interaction between the "New World" and the "Old World" was made. This interraction was an exchange between the two worlds which traded plants, animals, and even diseases. This caused the ways of life for the two worlds to change forever. -
Oct 11, 1502
Spain taking control
Spain was taking control of much of South and Central America and many of the Carribean Islands, which includes Cuba and Hispaniola. While this is happening, Spanish governers and explorers began to look northward. -
Feb 20, 1508
Juan Ponce de Leon
A Spanish official in the New World. He explored and settled the island of Puerto Rico. Taking notice in Spain, Kind Ferdinand authorized Ponce de Leon to explore lands north of Cuba. -
Period: Sep 3, 1513 to Sep 3, 1522
Juan Ponce de Leon and Florida
In early 1513 Ponce de Leon was directed to set out ships from Spain and go explore North of Cuba. Ponce de Leon then landed on the east coast of Florida and sailed northward along the Florida Keys and on the coast. Juan then explored Florida and later in 1522 decided to explplore more and claim Florida. -
May 14, 1514
Ponce de Leon's explore revealed something
Juan Ponce de Leon's expedition revealed that large tracts of land ready for exploration were to the north of the Carribbean Islands. -
Jul 8, 1524
Giovanni da Verrazano's Journal
Giovanni wrote a report of his explorations and voyages to King Francis I of France. Giovanni's report told about the excitement and danger of his journey, including the experiences of him as a young sailor. -
Jul 17, 1524
Giovanni da Verrazano
King Francis I of France sent a Italian navigator westward. Giovanni first reached land at the North Carolina Outer Banks.