Exploration and Colonization

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    Exploration and Colonization

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    Columbus had set sail looking for a westward rout to Asia, China and India, in the command of three ships,the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. However upon his arrival to land he finds the Americas not Asia, and confuses the natives with those of India and thus naming the Native Americans Indians.
  • Dec 1, 1492

    Foundation of a colony

    Foundation of a colony
    cDecember 1st. Columbus establishes a small colony with 39 men in Hispaniola, which Columbus thought was Japan.
  • Jun 4, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

    c June 4. The Spaniards secure their claim to the “heathen lands,” the new world, and split it with Portugal. Most of the land went to Spain but Portugal was compensated with land elsewhere.
  • May 24, 1500


    Depression in the English economy hits the wool trade hard, forcing many farmers to take the roads and wander around, eventually becoming beggars.
  • May 23, 1503

    Columbus dies

    c May 23 Columbus dies in spain.
  • Jun 4, 1508

    Amadis of Gaul

    Amadis of Gaul
    c.June 4. Tales of the handsome, virtuous knight Amadis who achieves incredible feats of arms, in which he is undefeated.
  • Jun 4, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    cJune 4. Magellan sets sail with five ships to be the first to circumnavigate the world, but is killed by the people who inhabit the Philippines.
  • Jun 30, 1520

    Noche Triste

    Also known as sad night, the Aztec attack the Spaniards causing them to retreat down from tenochtitlan.
  • Aug 13, 1521


    Spain sends conquistadors to conquer Mexico/the Aztec in retaliation.
  • Jun 4, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan

    cJune 4. After being murdered in the Philippines Magellan's crew placed his body in a pickle barrel and finished the expedition, completing the first circumnavigation around the globe.
  • Jun 4, 1524

    First Published map of Tenochtitlan.

    First Published map of Tenochtitlan.
    c June 4. This map was placed in the Civitates Orbis Terrarum, the first systematic city atlas, and depicted the view of the Aztec capitol as biased on the map from the letters of Hernan Cortez
  • Jamestown

    Colonists arrive along the west bank of the James River in Virginia to form Jamestown. - founded by the Virginia Joint-stock Company.
  • John Smith

    c May 27. Captain John smith, who had been kidnaped in 1607, returned to Jamestown and helped save Jamestown from destruction. John Smith helped the colonists understand that the search for gold shouldn’t be their first priority; “He who shall not work shall not eat.”
  • End of the "starving time"

    Thomas West De La Warr, the newly appointed governor of Virginia, arrived with supplies and convinced the settlers to remain at Jamestown asfter the "starving time" winter.
  • War Against Indians

    c May 27. Lord De La Warr arrives with instructions from the Virginia Company to declare war with the Indians of Jamestown.
  • The Tobacco King

    cMay 24 John Rolf Cultivates the first tobacco crop and thus discovers a major cash crop possibility, becoming the tobacco king.
  • New York

    c. June 4. Founded by the Dutch in c.1613 and the Duke of York 1664, it was a royal colony.
  • Marriage

    John Rolfe marries Pocahontas, possibly to bring peace between the two groups of inhabitants after the first Anglo-Powhatan war.
  • Slave Trade

    A ship, described as a Dutch war ship, arrives off the cost of Jamestown and sells about twenty slaves to the settlers, thus starting the slave trade in the Americas.
  • First Representative Self Government

    First Representative Self Government
    The London Company allowed the colonists to gather, this is known as the House of Burgesses, which is the first miniature parliament assembly in America.
  • New Hampshire

    c june 4 New Hampshire was founded by John Mason and some others, and was a royal colony.
  • Massachusetts

    Founded in c.June 4,1628 by the Puritans it was linked with Plymouth, an Main, together under royal rule.
  • King Charles 1

    cJune 4. Britain was near civil war and Charles 1 dismissed his Parliament.
  • Maryland

    c May 27. Maryland, the fourth English Colony to be established, was established by Lord Baltimore, who was from a large catholic family, for money and a refuge for other Catholics.
  • Connecticut

    C June 4. Founded by mass emigrants it was chartered in 1662 and was self-governed. Connecticut was also joined with New Haven.
  • Rhode Island

    c. June 4. Founded by R. Williams, Rhode Island was self-governed.
  • Delaware

    c. June 4. Delaware was founded the swedes, it was a proprietary Colony.
  • Act of Toleration

    Act of Toleration
    cApril 21. The Act of Toleration was passed by the local representative assembly and it gave liberties to all forms of Christianity, but condemned all others like Judaism, and Atheism.
  • Oliver Cormwell

    c June 4. A great Puritan-soldier, Cormwell was chosen to rule England after they decapitated Charles 1.
  • Jamaica

    cJune 4. After Spain had to reduce its grip on the west indies, due to rebellions and military over extension, Britain secured it claim to Jamaica.
  • New Jersey

    c. June 4. Founded by Berkeley and Carteret, New Jersey was a royal colony made royal in 1702.
  • Carolina

    c. June 4. Founded by Eight Nobles, it is a royal colony made royal in 1729.
  • Pennsylvania

    c. June 4. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a home for those of the Quaker Religion.
  • Savannah Indians

    c. June 4. The Savannah Indians decide to end their alliance with the Carolinas, and migrate to Maryland and Pennsylvania.
  • Carolinas

    c. June 4. North and South Carolina formally separate to form North and South Carolina.
  • Georgia

    c. June 4. Georgia, the last of the colonies, was founded by Oglethorpe and some others and was a royal colony.
  • Works Cited

    Kennedy, David, LizabethCohen and Thomas Bailey. The American Pagent: A History of the
    Republic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003.print. 1 May 2013.
    The History Channel website. web. May 23, 2013, http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/columbus-sets-sail.
    LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Web. 3, January 2013. http://www.loc.gov/index.html