Exploration Activity 3: Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    Draught Animals

    Draught Animals
    -ploughs (sharp point of timber projecting downwards at the end of a long handle) were used to break up the ground to plant seeds
    -use of large draught animals like oxen. horses, or camels spreads up the process tremendously
  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games Tournament

    First Olympic Games Tournament
    -Occurred at Olympus, Greece
    -Athletes performed deeds to win favors with the gods, especially Zeus
    -Sporting event became so popular and important that was used as a reference on the calendar
  • 508 BCE

    Birth of Democracy

    Birth of Democracy
    -Athens considered the birthplace
    -Idea that every citizen has an equal opportunity and say in government
    -Transition from exploitation by the aristocracy to a political system where all members of society have an equal share of formal political power
  • 428 BCE

    Birth of Plato

    Birth of Plato
    -Ancient Greek philosopher; student of Socrates, teacher to Aristotle
    -founded the Platonic Academy where he delivered many lectures
    -most of his surviving writing are dialogues
    -Inventions: water alarm clock
  • 312 BCE

    Roman Aqueducts

    Roman Aqueducts
    -used gravity to transport water along stone, lead and concrete pipelines into city centers
    -liberated cities from a reliance on nearby water supplies
    -crucial in promoting public health and sanitation
    -Romans perfected the process (primitive canals existed earlier in Europe, Assyria, and Babylon)
    -water transported as far as a 60 mile distance
  • 287 BCE

    Birth of Archimedes

    Birth of Archimedes
    -active in astronomy, geology, logic, physics, and engineer
    -Inventions: screw (designed to help farmers irrigate crops), odometer, the number pi
    -Discoveries: water displacement
  • 200 BCE


    -First used in Greece as evolved structural material in buildings
    -New material contained lime, which bonded strongly with water, clay, and sand
    -Romans used volcanic lava instead of clay (pozzolanic)
    -Pozzolanic cement was strongest mortar in history until the development of modern cement
    -Helped create Roman arches, aqueducts, and roads
  • 46 BCE

    Julian Calendar

    Julian Calendar
    -instituted by Julius Caesar of Rome
    -aligned the calendar with the solar year
    -lengthened the number of days in a year from 355 to 365; included 12 months
    -miscalculated the solar year by 11 minutes (Gregorian calendar established in 1582 altered the schedule of leap years)
  • 830

    Establishment of the "House of Wisdom"

    Establishment of the "House of Wisdom"
    -Located in Baghdad
    -Academy where scholars and other related intellectuals from all areas of Muslim land could converge and debate, complete research, and express thoughts of a variety of topics
    -Topics: mathematics, astronomy, medicine, alchemy, chemistry, zoology, geography, and cartography
    -largest repository of books in the whole world already by the middle of the ninth century
    -Destroyed by Mongols in 1258 BCE
  • 1094

    Tower Clock

    Tower Clock
    -Inventor: Buddhist monk Su Song; China
    -Designed to reveal the movement of the stars and the hours of the day
    -Figures pop out of doors and strike bells to signify hours
    -Power derived form a water wheel
  • 1377


    -40 day period of isolation
    -introduced by the Republic of Ragusa (today part of Croatia)
    -prevented the spread of diseases such as The Black Death
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    -Inventor: Johannes Guttenberg, German
    -introduced fast, cheap, and easy printing techniques that increased the spread of knowledge and culture across the world
    -used interchangeable metal letters applied with ink pressed into paper
    -first book printed was The Holy Bible
  • 1452

    Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci

    Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci
    -Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer, draftsmen
    -Studied the laws of science and nature
    -Paintings: "The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa", Vitruvian Man"
    -Inventions: war machines, flying machine
    -Anatomy and Science (discoveries): fetus in utero, heart and vascular system, sex organs
  • Microscope

    -Inventors: Hans Janssen (father), Zacharias Janssen (son)
    -used lens(s) to magnify objects
  • Telescope

    -Invented by: Galileo Galilei; first person to observe astronomy
    -Magnified distant objects
    -First instrument had a magnifying power of 3
    -Galileo conducted a detailed study of the moon, discovered the Milky Way, discovered that Jupiter had four moons