
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Dec 31, 1566


  • Jan 24, 1400

    The Age of Exploration

    The Age of Exploration
    In the early 14--s, people began to look to the seas and beyond. The age of exploration and discover had begun.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus led his first expedition westward. He landed in the Bahamas, islands he believed to be near Asia.
  • Jun 15, 1497

    Vasco da Gama

    In 1497-1498, Portugese explorer Vasco da Gama found such a route and sailed all the way to India.
  • Oct 12, 1497

    The New World and Old World

    The New World and Old World
    A great interaction between the "New World" and "Old World" took place. This interaction is sometimes referred to as the Columbian Exchange. Plants, animals, and even diseases moved between Western and Eastern Hemispheres.
  • Feb 3, 1500

    The Spanish Exploration

    The Spanish Exploration
    In the early 1500s, Spain was taking control of much of South and Central America and many Caribbean islands, including Cuba and Hispaniola.
  • Sep 3, 1520


    Spain was the most powerful nation in the world. Spainish explorers had claimed huge tracts of land in the New World.
  • Feb 6, 1524

    Verrazano's Expedition

    Verrazano's Expedition
    King Francis 1 of France sent italian navigator Giovanni da Verrazano westward. Verrazano first reached land at North Carolina's Outer Banks. Across those narrow islands he thought he saw the pacific ocean.
  • Sep 3, 1539

    De Soto's Expedition

    De Soto's Expedition
    Hernando de Soto sailed with a military expedition from Havana, Cuba, to the west coast of Florida. From there, de Soto's soldiers marched northward to a site near present-day Tallahasse, Florida.
  • Apr 30, 1562

    France and Spain Fight For Land

    France and Spain Fight For Land
    Other European nations were challenging Spain. In 1562 France sent a clolny under the command of Jean Ribault to North America.
  • Sep 4, 1565

    Fort Caroline

    Fort Caroline
    Spain sent troops to Florida. South of Fort Caroline. Menendz built a fort at St. Augustine. France planned to attack Spain. A storm wrecked his fleet, Menendz lost no time in dealing with the unlucky French. He captured most of the French defenders.