Sep 3, 1400
eurpean exploration
people in eurupe began to look for adventure in the seas. -
Jul 5, 1492
culumbus started his frist expodition westerlies. -
Sep 3, 1497
king henry vii
he sent caboton a voyageto the west.they thought that their would be a water path through the americas would lead north and west asia. -
Period: Sep 3, 1497 to Sep 3, 1498
Vaso Da Gama
Vaso discoverd a route to india. -
Sep 3, 1498
culumbus make it to south america. -
Sep 4, 1513
ponce set out shipis with his rew and landed on the east coast of flordia. -
Sep 4, 1520
Spain was the most powerful nation in the world. -
Sep 3, 1524
king fancsis
itatin land at north carolina out banks. -
Sep 4, 1566
catholic mission
a expedition to chesapeke bay set up a caolic mission.