
By treykb
  • Sep 3, 1492

    Columbus first expodition

    In 1492 Columbus led his first expedition westward he landed in the bahamas
  • Sep 3, 1497

    John Cobot was sent in a voyage

    King Henry sent John cabot to the voyage to the west
  • Sep 3, 1498

    Columbus reahes america

    Columbus reached South America later a map maker labled the new continent America
  • Sep 3, 1513

    Ponce Leon explored Forida

    Ponce Leon set out with ships and crew to explore florida.
  • Sep 4, 1520

    Spain claims tracts of land in the new world

    Spain claimed tracts of new land in the new world
  • Sep 3, 1524

    King Francis sent italian navigator giovanni da verrazano westward

    King Francis sent Italian navigator giovanni da verrazano westward
  • Sep 4, 1539

    Hernando de soto sailed for the military expedition

    Hernando de soto sailed for th military expedition
  • Sep 4, 1562

    ribaut's hugenots attempted to settle near present day port royal

    ribaut's hugenots attempted to settle near present day port royal
  • Sep 4, 1565

    spain sent troops under pedro mendez

    spain sent troops under pedro mendez
  • Sep 4, 1566

    Juan pardo and hernando boyaled small group to south carolina

    Juan pardo and hernando boyaled small group to south carolina