Expansionism Timeline

  • Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

    USS Maine (ACR-1), commissioned in 1895, was the first United States Navy ship to be named after the state of Maine. The United States battleship was blown up in an explosion which killed 260 men on board on February 15th, 1898
    Started; Oct 17, 1888
    Ended; Novermber 18, 1889
    led by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
  • Spanish-American War (

    The Spanish-American War (1898) was a conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895. Spain declared war on the United States on April 24, followed by a U.S. declaration of war on the 25th, which was made retroactive to April 21. William McKinley
    Nelson A. Mile
  • Acquisition of Hawaii ,Guam and the Philippines

    US overthrew Hawaii's queen in 1898. and annexed it as territory in 1898.
    San ford Dole become governor.
    Sugar plantations and pieapples planttions were created
    What began as a war over Cuba, however, turned into an American campaign to strip Spain of its overseas colonies. In 1898, besides Cuba, the Spanish government controlled Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
    When the expedition stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii, to get coal for its engines, the Charleston joined it for the voyage. By the
  • Open Door Policy

    Policy that gave equal trading rights to all foreignh nations in china. The Open Door Policy is a term in foreign affairs initially used to refer to the United States policy established in the late 19th century and the early 20th century, as enunciated in Secretary of State John Hay's Open Door
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Statement by prsident theoder Roosevelt, which were additions to the mahroe Doctrine- said that Eurpeans efforts to colonizer or interfere in North or South America would be yiewed as orggnession .
    Banned Europeans countires from using forice to collect debt in latin america.
    State the US would act as an ininational police power and collect depts for them.
  • Dollar Dipolmacy

    • Economic U.S banks to invest (Govn. Loans) to caribbean countries. *If a country couldnt repay loans, the U.S would send the troops.
  • Start of WWI

    On June 28, 1914, a young Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand,
    Also They demanded that the assassins be brought to justice, attempting to crush any Serbian nationalist movement. Unsatisfied with Serbia’s response, Austria-Hungary declared war July, 1914. Since Russia had a treaty with Serbia, the country was bound to aid the country against Austria-Hungary, so Russia mobilized its army.
  • Assassionation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Due to Europeans alliances, this caused war to break out on August 1, 1914.
    The central powers = Austria- Hungray, Germany Bulgaria, the ottoman Empire (Now Turkey)
    Alled Powers= Serbia, Russia, Italy, Great Britan, France and eventually the U.S, ect....
    Sometimes the Allied powers are referred as to the Triple Entente. This refers only to Great Britian, France and Russia.
  • Panaman Canal

    Agust 15, 1914
    Won the Nobel Peace Prize for ending Russo-Japanese war
    Created the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine:
    Monroe Doctrine said stay out of the Western Hemisphere
    Roosevelt added "...or else!!"
    Result: Increased U.S. powe
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    On May 7, 1915, less than a year after World War I (1914-18) erupted across Europe, a German U-boat torpedoed and sank the RMS Lusitania, a British ocean liner en route from New York to Liverpool, England. Of the more than 1,900 passengers and crew members on board, more than 1,100 perished, including more than 120 Americans. Nearly two years would pass before the United States formally entered World War I,
  • Sussex Pledge

    The Sussex Pledge was a promise given by the German Government to the United States of America on May 4th 1916 in response to US demands relating to the conduct of the First World War.
    US President (Woodrow Wilson)
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    an internal diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January, 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event of the United States entering World War I against Germany
    In January of 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause
  • U.S. Enters WWI

    On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint session of Congress to request a declaration of war against Germany. Wilson cited Germany’s violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.
  • Selective Service Act Passed

    The Selective Service Act of 1917 was the first act mandating American military service since the Civil War. In April 1917, before the act's passage, there were only 110,000 servicemen who could be deployed if America joined the war then raging in Europe.
    President Woodrow Wilson, who had avoided American entry in the war for about three years, initially wanted to use only volunteers to augment the forces needed to fight and win the war.
    President Woodrow Wilson,
  • Espionage Act

    is a United States federal law passed on June 15, 1917, shortly after the U.S. entry into World War I. It has been amended numerous times over the years.
  • Wilson's 14 Points

    Fourteen Points is a blueprint for world peace that was to be used for peace negotiations after World War I, elucidated in a January 8, 1918, speech on war aims and peace terms by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.
  • Battle of Argonne

    September 26 - November 11 1918 Allied Powers – France
    Associated Pow
    The Battle of the Argonne Forest was part of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive planned by General Ferdinand Foch. The offensive called for a three-pronged attack on the Germans at the Western Front. While the BEF and the French Army would attack the German lines at Flanders, the British forces would take on the German troops at Cambrai and the AEF, supported by the French Army, were to fight the German troops at the Argonne Forest.
  • End of WWI

    On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war.
    The Treaty of Versailles- was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between
    Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke
    Franz Ferdinand. Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924) took America into the war against Germany.