Expansionism Timeline Alyssa Pena

  • Sinking of the U.S.S. Marine

    It was sent to cuba for protection. U.S. blamed Cuba for the explosion
  • Acquistions of Hawaii, Guam, and Philippines

    Over threw the queen
    made new terriory
  • Open Door Policy

    This was for trading right to be equal in China.
  • Roosevelet Corollary

    This was the same cocept as the Monroe Doctrine. The U.S. wanted latin american countries to see us as being big and strong. The U.S. would collect debt for the Latin American so they could say they "owed" them. Big Stick policy we would stay quite unless someone messed with us then we would send trops in to fight.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    This was created by presidanrt Tarft. This was to encourage banks to invest in Caribbiean countries. If they couldnt pay then the U.S. woulld send trops to "frightent" them.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Killing of the duke
  • Start Of WWI

    Started when the achduke was assinated
    British saaid they would leave the U.S. alone and didnt so they sept in
  • Panama Canal

    The U.S. wanted to make travleing easier between the east and west and the cost would decreease.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    This is when Germany sank the U.S. ship. This made the U.S. upset and was on of the reasons we went into WWI
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    The british said they would leave the U.S. alone on a document. We arrged but the bristish didnt follow through with what they said. This made the US upset in is one of the big reasons we went into war