Expansion of the MCU

  • Period: to

    Great Depression

  • The Incredible Hulk is Released

    Incredible Hulk is big success. Edward Norton is great but not great enough
  • Iron Man is Released

    Robert Downey Jr. stops doing cocaine and hops into a metal suit. Terrence Howard is fired.
  • Period: to

    Disney buys souls of Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr.

    Chris Evans sells soul for cheeseburgers. Robert Downey sells his for cocaine.
  • Period: to

    Thanos teases

    Thanos in the end credits
  • Period: to

    Avengers 2 Hype

    People super-excited bout dem Avengers. Very worried it's going to suck. Ends up sucking
  • Period: to

    Disney trolls Warners Bros. and DC

  • Period: to

    Dark era for DC

  • Marvel releases Captain America Winter Soldier

    Cap gets caught in Hydra plot. Shares kiss with sexy spy.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy

  • Period: to

    Marvel Phase III

  • Period: to

    Disney creates Ultron-like androids to manage their park properties

  • 2015 Ant Man

    Marvel takes a shot at crazy movie that other studios would avoid. Goes Meh
  • Release of Civil War

    Release of Civil War
    Marvel does first multi-character cross-over piece sans Avengers label.
  • Period: to

    Here si an example of a timespac\n

  • Dr. Strange is released

    Dr. Strange is released
    It was okay
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

    More shennanigans in space.
  • Disney purchases Foz/Rights to X-men

    Shut it on my spelling. Shut it.
  • Black Panther Opens

    Black Panther opens in theaters to critical and audience rave reviews.
  • Avengers Infinity War Is Released

    The world rejoices.
  • Marvel Infinity War

  • Wasp and the Ant man

  • Period: to

    Marvel Phase 4 begins

    Marvel continues to rule
  • Period: to

    Marvel Phase V

    More movies