Exodus timeline

By Abisael
  • 1800 BCE

    Jacobs Family Stays in Egypt

    Jacobs family is allowed to stay in Egypt because of Joseph and is blessed by God.
  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1445 BCE


  • 1700 BCE

    Isrealites Multiply in Egypt

    Pharoah was starting to realise that the Isrealites were starting to grow.
  • 1600 BCE

    Isrealites Oppressed by new King

    The Pharaoh was Making the Isrealites work for him.
  • 1539 BCE

    Pharoah's Order to Kill the Firstborn

    The Pharoah Gave his Order to kill every Firstborn male baby Isrealite because the Pharoah was scared that the Isrealites were going to attack Egypt.
  • 1525 BCE

    The birth and Adoption of Moses

    Moses was put in a basket and in a river to save hime from being killed, and Pharoah's daughter found moses in the river.
  • 1486 BCE

    Moses flees to Midian

    After Moses Kills a man by mistake, he escapes and goes to Midian
  • 1446 BCE

    Isrealites groan in slavery

    The Isrealites were complaining, and cried out for help because their slavery went up to God.
  • 1446 BCE

    The Ten Plagues on Egypt

    This is when Moses uses the true Power of God to Let his people go.
  • 1446 BCE

    The Exodus Begins

    This is when Moses Takes his people and gets them through tough times like when Moses split the red sea with the power of God.
  • 1446 BCE

    The Isrealites at Mt. sinai

    The Isrealites start to get impatient and make a new God with the gold that they had.
  • 1446 BCE

    Preparations for the tabernacle

    They were preparing the tabernacle and making the important parts of the tabernacle, like the arc.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses receives the Commandments

    Moses is on Mt. sinai and God gives him the ten Commandments.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses reveives the law

    God is telling Moses about all the laws that God had made for them.
  • 1446 BCE

    The golden calf and Moses' anger.

    Moses finds out that the Isrealites are partying and making sacrifices to the golden calf.
  • 1446 BCE

    the journey resumes

    Moses and the Isrealites make the tent of meeting so that they could pray and have a special connection with God.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses sent to deliver Isreal

    Moses gets sent to save his people from a burning bush that happened to be God
  • 1442 BCE

    The Tabernacle is erected and filled

    Moses and the Isrealites Finish the Tabernacle and they fill it with the equipment that they had made for the Tabernacle.