Macs autumn


  • MACs Timeline Distribution

    MACs Timeline Distribution
    The MACs task related timeline shall be shared with volunteers from the very beginning of the EVS project, before the main EVS period (before 10.09.2018).
  • EVS Mobility Program

    EVS Mobility Program
    The mobility program is specific according to what has been accepted as granted. The hosted volunteer(s) shall have many opportunities to learn more about arts and a.culture, b. creativity, c. research & innovation, d. arts' local and regional history, e. arts & education, f.arts and career and g) visit the region of Alexandreia and Central Macedonia by one day trips and exhibitions (one trip per week). Our project includes participation to EERco Autumn (regular) Events.
  • Commitment Statements

    Commitment Statements
    A commitment agreement between Young EVS participants shall ensure their:
    -participation to all the pre-EVS project meetings & seminars related to the EVS program according to the related EVS Manual
    -obligation to fulfill their mission and keep contact by reporting weekly their comments, thoughts and short task description to their EERco mentor
    -task to multiply their experience after returning through a follow up process that will bedesigned and scheduled in cooperation with their EERco group.
  • Period: to

    MACs (A) 2018

    EERco has structured 3 different seasons of hosting EVS VOLUNTEERS: AUTUMN, WINTER &
    SPRING SEASON, related to personal, expressional and managerial development (three basics of career success) adapted to our "ARTS AND HUMANITY" Activities per season. The specific EVS project concerns Autumn Season and is strongly connected to the Deaf and Hearing People National Festival that we support as a basic partner of the Coordinators' Group.
  • MACs Webinar

    MACs Webinar
    EERco Volunteers, interested in offering their services for EERco shall have the opportunity to havean intensive seminar concerning their motivations, tasks, advantages and opportunities through participating in EVS programs abroad (webinar).
  • Infopack

    After the webinar, an infopack shall be sent to the Volunteers, as a Handbook, a supportive tool, useful before, during and after the EVS main Activity (MACs AUTUMN Project).
  • Volunteer's Project Decision

    Volunteer's Project Decision
    Volunteers shall design, implement, present & evaluate a project of their own responsibility. They shall decide about the thematic topic of their project before their arrival; after studying the EVS program they shall decide about the art style they'll use (theatre, dance, music, etc) & shall carry with them probable special equipment, if necessary. During their mobility activities they will decide upon the topic (history, human rights, ecology, health, aesthetics, etc) & run their own project.
  • Partipants' Arrival

    Partipants' Arrival
    Volunteers are introduced to Alexandreia Environment
  • DHIA festival 2018

    DHIA festival 2018
    Volunteers are supporting DHIAfestival and gain knowledge and experiences as to use them as a source for their own project and further creativity aspects of their visit.
  • Main EVS Tasks

    Main EVS Tasks
    Volunteers are starting over administration and EERco activities' support

    WEB2 TOOL seminar / coaching stars in the beginning of October
  • Volunteers' Project Presentation

    Volunteers' Project Presentation
    Volunteers shall present their Project during an Annual Talent "Promotion and Counseling" Event, during November
  • Goodbye Party

    Goodbye Party
    A goodbye party shall be organized in the last day of DEPARTURE
  • Evaluation Finalizing

    Evaluation Finalizing
    A final report and youthpass procceedure shall take place after the EVS mobility ending.
  • Final Project/ Practice of the WEB2 tool Seminar

    Final Project/ Practice of the WEB2 tool Seminar
    The seminar that shall attend the volunteers, includes, as practice, a structure of a YOUTH Magazine, involving about 8 NGOs from Europe as a baseline. During their practice, they shall develop the magazine and the YOUTH COMMUNITY of this magazine. This magazine is mainly structured by EU EVS volunteers, members of a NGO network under the MACs project.(all season) project. The end product shall be presented near to the end of the MACs (A) duration.