Period: Mar 2, 1472 to
Feb 19, 1473
Copernicus was born
Mar 3, 1514
Heliocentric Theory by Copernicus
Mar 3, 1532
Copernicus completes the astronomical manuscript
Mar 3, 1532
Copernicus completes his book
May 24, 1543
Copernicus Dies
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo was born
Galileo does the first known astonomical observation
Galileo publishes
He publishes the dialogue concerning the two chief world systems. -
Galileo Publishes again
He publishes Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations -
Newton proved that light was composed of all colors
Newton publishes mathematical principles of natural philosophy
He represented Cambrigde University in the parloment -
Newton knighted by Queen Ane
Newton died
Hubble was born
Period: to
Hubble attends University of Chicago
Hubbles law
expansion of the universe -
Hubble demonstrates galaxies beyond the Milky Way
Discovers Astroid 1373 Cincinnati
Hubble helps designs teloscope
Hubble Dies