Period: 322 to
Aristotle was one of the first Greek philosophers. He believed that species were permanent, perfect, and immutable. Even tho this was not correct this is what the world believed for a long time. -
Carolus Linnaues
Carl Linnaeus was born in the village of Rashult in Smaland, Sweden on 23 May 1707 and he died on 1778. He was a sweedish physician and a botanist who loved taxonomy.He developed a hierachial classifications schem and bionomial nomenclature. (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) -
James Hutton
James Hutton was born on June 3rd, 1726 and passed away on March 26th 1797. He was a Scottish geologist who offered an alternative to catastrophism. He came up with the term gradualism which means that the principle or policy of achieving some goal by gradual steps rather than by a drastic change and in this case changes in thhe Earth's crust due to slow continuos precesses. He also was the man who proposed that the Earth was millions of years instead of a few thousand years old -
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Jean Baptiste Lamarck was born on August 1st, 1744 and passed on December 18th, 1829. He came up with several things for example he came up with the Law of Use and Disuse which stated that if a body part were used, it got stronger but if i was not used it would deterirate. He also said that we acquired traits that we needed to survive over our life time. He was wrong with both ideas tho because he did not know that tarits were inherited and the whole use it or lose it idea was not true either. -
Thomas Malthus
Thomas Malthus was born on February 13th, 1766 and passed away on December 29,1834.He was an english demographer. His hypothesis was that plants and animals are capable of producing far more offspring than resources can support, the "strugle for existance" is an inescapable consequence. He said that each species struggle for food, living space, and mates. -
Georges Cuvier
Georges Cuvier was born on August 23, 1769 and passed away on May 13,1832. He was a french anatomist who largely developed paleontology which os the studdy of fossils. He also came up with the tearm catastrophism which in his words stated that species dissapeared due to a catastrophic event of the earth's crsut (volcano, erthquake, etc....) -
Charles Lyell
Charles Lyell was born on February 14th, 1797 and passed away on February 22nd, 1875. He was a Scottish geologist who coined up the term called uniformitariasm.Which is when geological processes at uniform rates building and wearing down the Earth's crust. He also published Principals of Geology. Which was read by Drawin himself , explained Geological processes that shaped the Earth, and expanded Earth's age. -
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin was born on February 12th, 1809, and passed a way onApril 19th, 1882. He was an english gentlemen who convinced of natural selection as the principal mechanism of adaptive evolution.He was also an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time form a common ancestor and he is the father of evolution. -
Alfred Russel Wallace
Alfred Russel Wallace was born on January 8th 1823, and passed away on November 7th, 1913. He was an English biologist who also conceived of natural selection as the principal mechanism of adaptive evolution. He said that organisms evolved from a common ancestor. He also published The Origin of Species in 1859