
Evolutionary Stages of Mankind

  • 100,001 BCE

    Beginning of Homo Genus

    Beginning of Homo Genus
    The last common ancestor between chimps and humans, it evolved about 3 million years ago.
  • 100,000 BCE

    Use of Fire

    Use of Fire
    The Homo Erectus started using fire to stay warm and cook food.
  • 50,000 BCE

    Homo Sapiens Reign

    Homo Sapiens Reign
    The Homo Sapiens emerges and survives because of their communication skills that still help us today.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Use of Fire

    Use of Fire
    Homo Erectus started using fire and this was a great technological advancement because now they can stay warm and cook food.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    Men lived in small groups of people, and they started growing crops to stay in one place and feed everyone.
  • 8000 BCE

    Migration to America

    Migration to America
    The humans crossed the Bering Strait to reach America. A place where they evolved and used several new resources.
  • 8000 BCE

    Stone Age

    Stone Age
    Humans started using rocks to make houses and tools.
  • 5500 BCE

    Invention of Writing

    Invention of Writing
    Allowed better communication. Now they could store information through time.
  • 5000 BCE

    Bronze Age

    Bronze Age
    They melted bronze to make longer lasting and more efficient tools.
  • 3000 BCE

    Iron Age

    Iron Age
    Great Civilizations appear, like the Roman and Greek empires. The main religions appear: Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism
  • 33

    Christianity Emerges

    Christianity Emerges
    After the death of Jesus, the religion starts spreading.
  • 1000

    Medieval Age

    Medieval Age
    The main Kingdoms of Europe become superpowers, such as France, England and Spain.
  • 1300

    Commercial Revolution

    Commercial Revolution
    Commerce between cities and reigns leads to economic growth and so a population growth as well.
  • 1400


    After the Black Death plague, the people became optimistic again and focused on art and science
  • 1492

    Exploration Age

    Exploration Age
    Main Kingdoms of Europe want to conquer the world so they start looking for other routes to Asia and end up discovering America.
  • Scientific Revoltion

    Scientific Revoltion
    Mathematics, Chemistry and Astronomy have new discoveries and advancements.
  • Enlightment Age

    Enlightment Age
    Democracy starts. Various cultural movements. American countries start their independence wars.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Mass production is invented in factories. Selling things becomes easier and people's jobs start getting taken by machines.
  • First World War

    First World War
    First time a War involved so many countries, a sign of globalization. The technology we had like the machine gun made killing easier so a lot of people died.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    Nazis try to take over the world. The two first nuclear bombs are dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, showing that men are ready to play god.
  • Digital Era

    Digital Era
    Everything is digital. Electronic devices become an everyday use. The invention of the internet makes communication faster than ever. The digital economy becomes as important as phisical economy. The mass consumption has deep effects on the planet's ecosystem.