Evolutionary Programming (EP)
Introduced in "Artificial Intelligence through Simulated Evolution" by Lawrence J. Fogel. -
Evolution Strategy (ES)
Modern ES introduced in "Evolutionsstrategie – Optimierung technischer Systeme nach Prinzipien der biologischen Evolution" by Ingo Rechenberg, and outperformed in "Numerische Optimierung von Computer-Modellen" (1974) by Hans-Paul Schwefel. Other first approaches already existed in the 1960s. -
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Modern GA introduced in "Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems" by John Holland. Previous works by Alex Fraser (1970) and Hans-Joachim Bremermann (1966) already performed some simulations using all the elements of GA. -
Genetic Programming (GP)
Modern "tree-based" GP introduced in "A Representation for the Adaptive Generation of Simple Sequential Programs" by Nichael L. Cramer. In 1992, John R. Koza extended this approach to the common GP used nowadays in "Genetic Programming". -
Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm (VEGA)
Introduced in "Multiple objective optimization with vector evaluated genetic algorithm" by David Schaffer -
Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS)
Introduced in "Stochastic Searching Networks" by John M. Bishop. -
Memetic Algorithm (MA)
Introduced in "On Evolution, Search, Optimization, Genetic Algorithms and Martial Arts: Towards Memetic Algorithms" by Pablo Moscato. -
Micro Genetic Algorithm (μGA)
Introduced in "Micro-Genetic Algorithms For Stationary And Non-Stationary Function Optimization" by Kalmanje Krishnakumar. -
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
Introduced in "Optimization, Learning and Natural Algorithms" by Marco Dorigo -
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA)
Introduced in "Genetic Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization: Formulation, Discussion and Generalization" by Carlos Fonseca and Peter Flemming. -
Cultural Algorithm (CA)
Introduced in "An introduction to cultural algorithms" by Robert G. Reynolds -
Artificial Immune System (AIS)
Introduced in "A biologically inspired immune system for computers" by Jeff Kephart. There exists some previous works on immune networks by Farmer, Packard and Perelson (1986) and Bersini and Varela (1990); and on negative selection by Forrest et al. (1994). -
Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA)
Introduced in "Muiltiobjective optimization using nondominated sorting in genetic algorithms" by N. Srinivas and Kalyanmoy Deb -
Niched-Pareto Genetic Algorithm (NPGA)
Introduced in "A niched Pareto genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization" by Jeffrey Horn, N. Nafpliotis, David E. Goldberg. -
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Introduced in "Particle Swarm Optimization" by Kennedy, Eberhart and Shi -
Multi-Objective Genetic Local Seach (MOGLS)
Introduced in "Multi-objective genetic local search algorithm" by Ishibuchi and Murata -
Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA)
Introduced in "From Recombination of Genes to the Estimation of Distributions I. Binary Parameters" by Mühlenbein and Paass. -
Parallel Genetic Programming
Introduced in "Parallel Genetic Programming" by Peter J. Angeline and Kenneth E. Kinnear. -
Differential Evolution (DE)
Introduced by Rainer Storn and Kenneth Price in "Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for global Optimization over Continuous Spaces". -
Max-Min Ant System (MMAS)
Introduced in "MAX–MIN ant system" by Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos -
Ant Colony System (ACS)
Introduced in "Ant Colony System : A Cooperative Learning Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem" by Dorigo and Gambardella. -
Grammatical Evolution (GE)
Introduced in "Grammatical Evolution: Evolving Programs for an Arbitrary Language" by Conor Ryan, J. J. Collins and Michael O'Neill. -
Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA)
Introduced in "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: a comparative case study and the strength Pareto approach" by Eckart Zitzler and Lothar Thiele -
Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA)
Introduced in "BOA: The Bayesian optimization algorithm" by Pelikan, Goldberg and Cantú-Paz. -
Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES)
Introduced in "Approximating the nondominated front using the pareto archived evolution strategy" by Joshua Knowles and David Corne. -
Pareto Envelope-based Selection Algorithm (PESA)
Introduced in "The Pareto envelope-based selection algorithm for multiobjective optimization" by Corne, Knowles and Oates. -
Covariance Matrix Adaptation ES (CMA-ES)
Introduced in "Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies" by Nikolaus Hansen and Andreas Ostermeier. -
Gene Expression Programming (GEP)
Introduced in "Gene Expression Programming: A New Adaptive Algorithm for Solving Problems" by Cándida Ferreira. -
Harmony Search (HS)
Introduced in "A new heuristic optimization algorithm: Harmony Search" by Zong Woo Geem, Joong Hoon Kim, and G. V. Loganathan. -
Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA2)
Introduced in "SPEA2: Improving the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm" by Zitzler, Laumanns and Thiele. -
Pareto Envelope-based Selection Algorithm II (PESA-II)
Introduced in "PESA-II: Region-based selection in evolutionary multiobjective optimization" by David Corne. -
Guided Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm (G-MOEA)
Introduced in "Guidance in evolutionary multi-objective optimization" by Jurgen Branke. -
Pareto-frontier Differential Evolution (PDE)
Introduced in "PDE: a Pareto-frontier differential evolution approach for multi-objective optimization problems" by Abbass, Sarker and Newton. -
Clonal Selection Algorithm (CLONALG)
Introduced in "Learning and Optimization Using the Clonal Selection Principle" by Leandro de Castro -
Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II)
Introduced in "A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II" by Kalyanmoy Deb -
Self-adaptive Pareto-frontier Differential Evolution (SPDE)
Introduced in "The self-adaptive pareto differential evolution algorithm" by Abbass -
Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA)
Introduced in "Biomimicry of bacterial foraging for distributed optimization and control" by Passino. -
B-Cell Algorithm (BCA)
Introduced in "Immune Inspired Somatic Contiguous Hypermutation for Function Optimisation" by Kelsey and Timmis. -
Micro Genetic Algorithm 2 (μGA2)
Introduced in "The micro genetic algorithm 2: Towards online adaptation in evolutionary multiobjective optimization" by Toscano-Pulido and Coello-Coello. -
Evolution Strategy with Probability Mutation (ESP)
Introduced in "An evolution strategy with probabilistic mutation for multi-objective optimisation" by Huband, Hingston, While and Barone. -
Multi-Objective Network optimization based ACO (MONACO)
Introduced in "MONACO: multi-objective network optimisation based on an ACO" by Pedro Cardoso -
Population based ACO (PACO)
Introduced in "Solving multi-criteria optimization problems with population-based ACO" by Guntsch and Middendorf. -
Multi-Objective Immune Algorithm (MOIA)
Introduced in "MOIA: Multi-objective immune algorithm" by Luh, Chueh and Liu. -
Multi-Objective Differential Evolution (MODE)
Introduced in "Pareto-based Multi-Objective Differential Evolution" by Xue, Sanderson and Graves. -
Society and Civilization Algorithm (SCA)
Introduced in "Society and civilization: An optimization algorithm based on the simulation of social behavior" by Tapabrata Ray and KM Liew. -
Electromagnetism-like Optimization (EO)
Introduced in "An Electromagnetism-like Mechanism for Global Optimization" by Ş İlker Birbil and Shu-Chering Fang. -
Hierarchical Social Metaheuristic (HSM)
Introduced in "Hierarchical Social Algorithms: A New Metaheuristic for Solving Discrete Bilevel Optimization Problems" by Felipe Fernández, Abraham Duarte and Ángel Sánchez -
Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS)
Introduced in "Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS): An Immune-Inspired Supervised Learning Algorithm" by Watkins,Timmis and Boggess. -
Indicator-Based Evolutionary Algorithm (IBEA)
Introduced in "Indicator-based selection in multiobjective search" by Zitzler and Künzli -
Pareto Ant Colony Optimization (P-ACO)
Introduced in "Pareto ant colony optimization: A metaheuristic approach to multiobjective portfolio selection" by Doerner, Gutjahr, Hartl, Strauss and Stummer. -
Covering Multi-Objective PSO (cvMOPSO)
Introduced in "Covering pareto-optimal fronts by subswarms in multi-objective particle swarm optimization" by Sanaz Mostaghim and Jurgen Teich. -
Multi-Species PSO (MS-PSO)
Introduced in "Autonomous agent response learning by a multi-species particle swarm optimization" by Chow and Tsui. -
Multi-Objective Clonal Selection Algorithm (MOCSA)
Introduced in "A Novel Multiobjective Immune Algorithm
using Nondominated Sorting" by Campelo, Guimaraes, Saldanhay, Igarashi, Noguchi, Lowtherz and Ramirez. -
Nondominated Sorting Differential Evolution (NSDE)
Introduced in "Solving rotated multi-objective optimization problems using differential evolution" by Iorio and Li. -
Generalized Differential Evolution (GDE)
Introduced in "An extension of generalized differential evolution for multi-objective optimization with constraints" by Kukkonen and Lampinen. -
Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimization (CLPSO)
Introduced in "Evaluation of Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimizer" by J.J.Liang et al. -
Bees Algorithm
Introduced in "The Bees Algorithm" by Pham, Ghanbarzadeh, Koc, Otri, Rahim and Zaidi. -
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)
Introduced in "An Idea Based on Honey Bee Swarm For Numerical Optimization" by Dervis Karaboga. -
Introduced in "Evaluating the ε-domination based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for a quick computation of pareto-optimal solutions" by Kalyanmoy Deb. -
S Metric Selection Evolutionary Multiobjective Algorithm (SMS-EMOA)
Introduced in "An EMO Algorithm Using the Hypervolume Measure as Selection Criterion" by Emmerich, Beume and Naujoks. An improved version is published in "SMS-EMOA: Multiobjective selection based on dominated hypervolume" (2007). -
Introduced in "Improving PSO-Based Multi-objective Optimization Using Crowding, Mutation and ∈-Dominance" by Reyes-Sierra and Coello-Coello. -
Vector Artificial Immune System (VAIS)
Introduced in "Multiobjective Optimization by a Modified Artificial Immune System Algorithm" by Fabio Freschi and Maurizio Repetto. -
Differential Evolution Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DE/EDA)
Introduced in "DE/EDA: A new evolutionary algorithm for global optimization" by Sun, Zhang and Tsang. -
Immune Dominance Clonal Multiobjective Algorithm (IDCMA)
Introduced in "Clonal Selection with Immune Dominance and Anergy Based Multiobjective Optimization" by Jiao, Gong, Shang, Du and Lu -
Immune Forgetting Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm (IFMOA)
Introduced in "IFMOA: Immune Forgetting Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm" by Lu, Jiao, Du and Gong -
Differential Evolution for Multiobjective Optimization (DEMO)
Introduced in "DEMO: Differential Evolution for Multiobjective Optimization" by Robič and Filipič. -
Generalized Differential Evolution 3 (GDE3)
Introduced in "GDE3: The third evolution step of generalized differential evolution" by Kukkonen and Lampinen -
Introduced in "An algorithm based on differential evolution for multi-objective problems" by Santana-Quintero and Coello Coello. -
Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO)
Introduced in "Detection of multiple source locations using a glowworm metaphor with applications to collective robotics" by Krishnanand and Ghose. -
Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy with Increasing Population (IPOP-CMA-ES)
Introduced in "A restart CMA evolution strategy with increasing population size" by Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen. -
Reference Point based NSGA-II (R-NSGA-II)
Introduced in "Reference point based multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms" by Deb and Sundar. -
Cultured Differential Evolution (CDE)
Introduced in "Cultured differential evolution for constrained optimization" by Landa-Becerra and Coello-Coello. -
Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm (SFLA)
Introduced in "Shuffled frog-leaping algorithm: A memetic meta-heuristic for discrete optimization" by Eusuff, Lansey and Pasha. -
Multi-Objective Diffential Evolution based on Decomposition (MODE/D)
Introduced in "A Multiobjective Differential Evolution Based on Decomposition for Multiobjective Optimization with Variable Linkages" by Li and Zhang. -
Big bang big-crunch algorithm (BBBC)
Introduced in "A new optimization method: big bang–big crunch" by Osman K. Erol and Ibrahim Eksin. -
Fish School Search (FSS)
Introduced in "A novel search algorithm based on fish school behavior" by Bastos-Filho and Lima-Neto -
Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D)
Introduced in "MOEA/D: A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition" by Qingfu Zhang and Hui Li -
Multi-Objective CMA-ES (MO-CMA-ES)
Introduced in "Covariance matrix adaptation for multi-objective optimization" by Igel, Hansen and Roth. -
Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)
Introduced in "Imperialist Competitive Algorithm: An algorithm for optimization inspired by imperialistic competition" by Atashpaz-Gargari and Lucas. -
River Formation Dynamics (RFD)
Introduced in "Using River Formation Dynamics to Design Heuristic Algorithms" by Rabanal, Rodríguez, and Rubio. -
Monkey Search Algorithm (MSA)
Introduced in "Monkey search: a novel metaheuristic search for global optimization" by Antonio Mucherino and Onur Seref. -
Set Preference Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization (SPAM)
Introduced in "SPAM: Set Preference Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization" by Zitzler, Thiele and Bader. -
Multi-Objective PSO based on decomposition (MOPSO/D)
Introduced in "A decomposition-based multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for continuous optimization problems" by Peng and Zhang. -
Archive-Based hYbrid Scatter Search (AbYSS)
Introduced in "AbYSS: Adapting scatter search to multiobjective optimization" by Nebro, Luna, Alba, Dorronsoro, Durillo and Beham. -
Regularity Model-Based Multiobjective Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (RM-MEDA)
Introduced in "RM-MEDA: A Regularity Model-Based Multiobjective Estimation of Distribution Algorithm" by Zhang, Zhou and Jin. -
Nondominated Neighbor Immune Algorithm (NNIA)
Introduced in "Multiobjective immune algorithm with nondominated neighbor-based selection" by Gong, Jiao, Du and Bo. -
Firefly Algorithm
Introduced in "Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms" by Xin-She Yang. -
Biogeography-based Optimization (BBO)
Introduced by "Biogeography-based optimization" by Dan Simon -
Speed-constraint Multi-Objective PSO (SMPSO)
Introduced in "Smpso: A new pso-based metaheuristic for multi-objective optimization" by Nebro, Durillo, Garcia-Nieto, Coello-Coello, Luna and Alba. -
Introduced in "Mocell: A cellular genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization" by Nebro, Durillo, Luna, Dorronsoro and Alba. -
Cuckoo Search (CS)
Introduced in "Cuckoo search via Lévy flights" by Xin-She Yang and Suash Deb. -
Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm
Introduced in "Problem solving by intelligent water drops" by Shah-Hosseini. -
Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA)
Introduced in "GSA: a gravitational search algorithm" by Rashedi, Nezamabadi-pour and Saryazdi. -
League Championship Algorithm (LCA)
Introduced in "League championship algorithm: a new algorithm for numerical function optimization" by AH Kashan. -
Linkage Tree Genetic Algorithm (LTGA)
Introduced in "The Linkage Tree Genetic Algorithm" by Dirk Thierens. -
Introduced in "Micro-MOPSO: A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimizer That Uses a Very Small Population Size" by Fuentes-Cabrera and Coello-Coello. -
Fireworks Algorithm (FA)
Introduced in "Fireworks Algorithm for Optimization" by Ying Tan and Yuanchun Zhu. -
Bat Algorithm (BA)
Introduced in "A New Metaheuristic Bat-Inspired Algorithm" by Xin-She Yang. -
Hypervolume estimation for Multi-objective optimization (HyPE)
Introduced in "HypE: An algorithm for fast hypervolume-based many-objective optimization" by Bader and Zitzler. -
Averaged Haussdorf Distance EMOA (Δp-EMOA)
Introduced in "Finding evenly spaced fronts for multiobjective control via averaging Hausdorff-measure" by Gerstl, Rudolph, Schütze and Trautmann. An extension for three objectives was published in "A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Guided by Averaged Hausdorff Distance to Aspiration Sets" (2012). -
Anarchy Society Optimization (ASO)
Introduced in "Anarchic Society Optimization: A human-inspired method" by Amir Ahmadi Javid. -
Brain Storm Optimization (BSO)
Introduced in "Brain storm optimization algorithm" by Yuhui Shi. -
Δp Differential Evolution (DDE)
Introduced in "A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on a performance assessment indicator" by Rodriguez-Villalobos and Coello-Coello -
Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA)
Introduced in "Flower pollination algorithm for global optimization" by Xin-She Yang. -
Ray Optimization (RO)
Introduced in "A new meta-heuristic method: ray optimization" by A Kaveh and M Khayatazad. -
Mine Blast Algorithm (MBA)
Introduced in "Mine blast algorithm: A new population based algorithm for solving constrained engineering optimization problems" by A Sadollah, A Bahreininejad, H Eskandar and M Hamdi -
Introduced in "R2-EMOA: Focused Multiobjective Search Using R2-Indicator-Based Selection" by Trautmann, Wagner and Brockhoff. -
Many-Objective Metaheuristic Based on the R2 Indicator (MOMBI)
Introduced in "MOMBI: A new metaheuristic for many-objective optimization based on the R2 indicator" by Hernández-Gómez and Coello-Coello -
Introduced in "R2-IBEA: R2 indicator based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization" by Dũng H. Phan and Junichi Suzuki. -
Cuttlefish optimization algorithm (CFA)
Introduced in "Cuttlefish Algorithm – A Novel Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm" by Eesa, Mohsin, Brifcani and Orman. -
Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA)
Introduced in "Water cycle algorithm–A novel metaheuristic optimization method for solving constrained engineering optimization problems" by H Eskandar, A Sadollah, A Bahreininejad and M Hamdi -
Success-history based parameter Adaptation for Differential Evolution (SHADE)
Introduced in "Success-history based parameter adaptation for differential evolution" by Ryoji Tanabe and Alex Fukunaga. -
Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA-III)
Introduced in "An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-point Based Non-dominated Sorting Approach, Part I: Solving Problems with Box Constraints" by Deb and Jain -
Coral Reef Optimization (CRO)
Introduced in "The Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithm: A Novel Metaheuristic for Efficiently Solving Optimization Problems" by Salcedo-Sanz, Del Ser, Landa-Torres, Gil-López and Portilla-Figueras. -
Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)
Introduced in "Grey wolf optimizer" by Seyedali Mirjalili, SM Mirjalili and A. Lewis. -
Many-Objective Metaheuristic Based on the R2 Indicator II (MOMBI-II)
Introduced in "Improved Metaheuristic Based on the R2 Indicator for Many-Objective Optimization" by Hernández-Gómez and Coello-Coello. -
Weighting Achievement Scalarizing Function Genetic Algorithm (WASF-GA)
Introduced in "A preference-based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization: the weighting achievement scalarizing function genetic algorithm" by Ana Belén Ruiz, Rubén Saborido and Mariano Luque. -
Artificial swarm intelligence (ASI)
Introduced in "Human Swarms, a real-time paradigm for collective intelligence" by Louis Rosenberg. -
Prey-Predator Algorithm (PPA)
Introduced in "Prey-predator algorithm: a new metaheuristic algorithm for optimization problems" by SL Tilahun and HC Ong. -
Artificial Algae Algorithm (AAA)
Introduced in "Artificial algae algorithm (AAA) for nonlinear global optimization" by SA Uymaz, G Tezel and E Yel. -
Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO)
Introduced in "Monarch butterfly optimization" by GG Wang, S Deb and Z Cui. -
Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimization (MOGWO)
Introduced in "Multi-objective grey wolf optimizer: A novel algorithm for multi-criterion optimization" by Seyedali Mirjalili, Shahrzad Saremi, Seyed Mohammad Mirjalili and Leandro dos S. Coelho -
Introduced in "Global WASF-GA: An Evolutionary Algorithm in Multiobjective Optimization to Approximate the Whole Pareto Optimal Front" by Rubén Saborido, Ana B. Ruiz and Mariano Luque.