A close up view of "spontaneous generation"
There are new instruments of magnification that are starting scientific research. The question of whether life arises form non-living things can be answered in a new way. For example the physician Francesce Redi, showed why fly maggots ofton crop up in putrefied meat. This is not the result of "spontaneous generation," but rather they are born from eggs too tiny for the naked eye to see. -
First opera house in Vienna
War between Turkey and Russia
Linnaeus's System Naturae charts life
Carl conLinne, who wrote under the Latin name of Linnaeus, attempted to classify all life on Earth. His systom divides life into kingdoms, classes, orders, genera, and species. This was a part in science that influenced many people, including Charles Darwin. -
First Canadian Railroad
Darwin starts secret notebooks
Darwin felt to pursue a dangerous idea. His Galapagos birds, showed that new species can evolve over time from a common ancestor. He labeled one of his secret notebooks "Transmutation of Species," and in that book he sketched his first "tree of life." -
Origin of Species
Darwin writes a book called Origin of Species. This book offers a lot of evidence and proposes of coherent theory for evolution. Species in the wild evolve "by means of natural selection." It challenges biblical literalism, but Darwin stressed his work is not denying God's exsistance. -
Oregon becomes a state of the U.S. -
A transatlantic cable is successfully laid -
Evolution Accepted
Although some scientists rejected the idea of evolution, only a few years after On the Origin of Species, evolution is mainstream science. Magazines and newspapers, even religious publications, promoted evolution. Even with all of this support, Darwins theory is still doubted. -
Franco-Prussian War
In the book "What is Darwinism?" Charles Hodge answered the question saying, "it is atheism." Hodge rejected Darwin's theory that natural laws alone can create complex, well-adapted organisms, saying that "denial of God's design in nature is viturally the denial of God." -
British Parliament
The British Parliament legalizes labour unions -
The Descent of Man
Darwin now takes on human evolution. his book stressed sexual selection to drive the evolution of life. He said that to pass along traits of future generation, individuals must be not only fit to survive, but also be irresistible to the opposite sex. -
Public Schools Expand
The idea of evolution reached the average American family more then ever before as high schools spring up around the country, and the Progressive-era laws force teenagers to attend. The change is particularly dramatic in the rural South. -
King Umberto
King Umberto I of Italy murdered -
Jazz in New Orleans
Bible in School
Most of the public schools in the U.S. have included Bible reading in their daily activities already, but there were a lot of new laws in the South the ensure that the practice was still being used. -
Terrorists kill 52 people in London subway bombings -
Federal Court Rejects Intelligent Design
In December of 2005, the Federal District Court Judge John Jones III ruled that it is unconstitutional to force high school biology teachers to present "intelegent design" as a legitimate, alternative theory to explain the origine of life.