Lamark's theory
Lamark's theory of evolution included the idea that traits could be acquired by the parent and then passed down to the child. -
The Beagle
Charles Darwin was hired as the beagles naturalist. -
The HMS Beagle
The Beagle finally reaches the Galapagos Islands. -
Darwin's Return
Darwin returns from the Beagle back to England. -
Darwin and Wallace
Darwin gets a monograph from Wallace summarizing his thoughts on evolution, prompting Darwin to write his book. -
The Origin Of Species
Charles Darwin started to write his book. -
Darwin Published
Charles Darwin published his book and all 1,250 copies were sold out on the first day. -
Darwin's second edition
The second edition of Darwin's book came out with 3000 copies. -
Debate on Darwin
Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce of the church of England had a debate on Darwin's theory of evolution. -
Austin Peay's law
Tennessee Governor Austin Peay voted on a law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in public schools. -
Scopes Monkey
The scopes monkey trial began in Dayton Tennessee. -
Pope Pius XII
The pope said that any ideas that threatened Roman Catholic faith was bad and not allowed. -
Epperson V. Arkansas
The supreme court decided that Arkansas restriction of the teaching of evolution was unconstitutional. -
McClean V. Arkansas
Arkansas equal treatment law was deamed unconstitutional. -
Webster V. New Lenox
Ruled that school boards have the right to prohibit teaching creationism because it would constitute religious advocacy.