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Evolution Timeline

  • Carl von Linne is born

    Carl von Linne is born
    Linneaus, or von Linee after being enobled, founded the hierarchial system of clasification
  • Georges Cuvier is born

    Georges Cuvier is born
    Cuvier founded paleontology, and proved the idea of extinction to be fact
  • Thomas Malthus publishes An Essay on the Principle of Population

    Thomas Malthus publishes An Essay on the Principle of Population
    Malthus believer that population was kept low by human suffering, and saw overpopulation as a threat to society. Darwin wrote that his writings inspired him.
  • Charles Lyell pubishes Principles of Geology

    Charles Lyell pubishes Principles of Geology
    Lyell popularized the uniformalism first proposed by Hutton, that the world was shaped by slowly occuring processes.
  • Jean Baptise Lamarck publishes book on evolution

    Jean Baptise Lamarck publishes book on evolution
    Lamarck proposed his own theory of evolution, that changing enviorments shape animals to change. While not hte first to have this idea, he was the first to come up with a formal theory.
  • Charles Darwin begins to theorize the theory of evolution

    Charles Darwin begins to theorize the theory of evolution
  • Alfred Wallace's essays on evolution are first presented

    Alfred Wallace's essays on evolution are first presented
  • Mendel's papers on hereditary are published

    Mendel's papers on hereditary are published
  • Fredrich Miescher

    Fredrich Miescher
  • Waltter Sutton and Theodor Boveri theorize that chromosomes pass down genetic material

    Waltter Sutton and Theodor Boveri theorize that chromosomes pass down genetic material