Second World War flying training - Taking Flight
Initial revisions to the training programme focused on shortening courses and increasing the capacity for pupils at the flying training schools (Royal Air Force Museum, 2013). Pilots did not have the proper equipment and there was lack of flying trainers. Image Retrieved from http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/images/online_exhibitions/005LG.jpg
equipment available and a shortage of flying instructors. -
Pilot Training
By 1943 a surplus of trained pilots had been produced (Royal Air Force Museum, 2013). Image Retrieved from http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/images/online_exhibitions/0033001LG.jpg -
Korean War began.
Secretary of Defense ordered the creation of a Top Secret organization known as the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) (Brown, 2013). The creation of this organization required intense professional training so all members would be fully qualified to fulfill the job requirements. Image Retrieved from http://www.armedforcesinsignia.com/data/shopcart7/image_db/FLB1600.jpg -
President John F. Kennedy became president
President Kennedy was a Harvard University graduate. Kennedy was a strong advocate of social welfare and civil rights legislation in the Senate (Spartacus Educational Publishers Ltd., 2015). Unemployment was high during this era. President Kennedy was instrumental in creating programs to train individuals to become qualified for a variety of professions/careers. Image Retrieved from http://spartacus-educational.com/USAkennedyJ.htm -
Non Formal Education
In the 1970s, four characteristics came be associated with non-formal education: Relevance to the needs of disadvantaged groups, concern with specific categories of person, a focus on clearly defined purposes and flexibility in organization and methods (Smith, 2011). In many countries, non formal education was not very common. Image Retrieved from http://infed.org/mobi/what-is-non-formal-education/ -
Education and Training
The 1980's will be a decade of change in the training and education system (Doeringer & Vermuelen, 1981, p. 1). Vocational education was a funded program to assist individuals to enter the labor workforce in a successful manner. Image Retrieved from http://caps.fool.com/Blogs/a-comparison-of-the-recession/394404 -
Schools and Educational Reform
The Professional Development Schools is a program to improve the public school program system. A PDS is meant to be more than a laboratory school, a model school, or a setting for clinical supervision of novice (Cohen, 1990). Image Retrieved from http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41SCo1IQ4ML._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg -
Professional Learning in the Learning Profession
Improving professional learning for educators is a
crucial step in transforming schools and improving
academic (Darling-Hammond, Wei, & Andree, 2009). Instructors must meet federal obligations for school and student program implementation to be successful. Image Retrieved http://www.consultantsineducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/studentsraisinghands.jpg