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Web 1.0
"Read Only Web"
Users searched for information and then read it
Very little user interaction -
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Web 2.0
Ability to contribute content and interact with other web users
Responsible for the creation of blogs, social media and video streaming -
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Web 3.0
The basis for Web 3.0 is semantic markup and web service
Semantic markup: The communication gap between human web users and computerized applications
Web service: A software system designed to support computer-to-computer interaction over the Internet -
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Web 4.0
“Mobile Web”
Connects all devices in the real and virtual world in real-time
This is an alternative to what we already have -
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Web 5.0
“The next web”
Web 5.0 will be about the (emotional) interaction between humans and computers
Open, linked and intelligent web=emotional web