WEB 1.0
Web 1.0 refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of web pages connected by hyperlinks. Although the actual definition is up for debate, a simple way to explain it is: when the world wide web was just the world wide web. There was not collaboration between people directly. The internet was used to research and reading only.
(link: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27960/web-10)
(link: https://home.cern/topics/birth-web) -
WEB 2.0
Web 2.0 allowed internet users to collaborate with one another directly. Which explains why Web 2.0 changed the way that the web pages were used and designed. This gave users more access to each other over the internet. Before data was posted on Web sites, and users viewed the content. Now users have more in the Web content and in some cases can have control over it.
(link: https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Web-20-or-Web-2) -
Web 3.0 is the next fundamental change both in how websites are created and more importantly, how people interact with them. (link: https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-web-3-0-3486623) This feature is not here yet, but it should be in the near future. -
WEB 4.0 & WEB 5.0
Web 4.0 can be described as "the ultra-intelligent electronic agent.". (link: http://bigthink.com/big-think-tv/web-40-the-ultra-intelligent-electronic-agent-is-coming)
Web 5.0 = “The Telepathic Web” or “The Symbionet Web” this will not be available until after the year 2030. The idea is for people to be able to interact with the internet through thought.
(link: https://carikesocial.wordpress.com/2017/03/15/the-world-wide-web-from-web-1-0-to-web-5-0/)