Evolution of Video Games by Liam Tomkins

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    The first commercially branded arcade game was a game called "computer space" and it was issued to release in 1971 at local arcades and stores
  • The first home console

    The first home console
    The first home console was called the Magnavox Odyssy and it was made in 1972
  • Pacman arrives

    Pacman arrives
    Pacman hits home consoles and arcades racking in over 100,000 arcade units and will make 1 billion dollars in revenue in its first 15 months of release
  • Tertis falls into place

    Tertis falls into place
    Tertis maker Alexey Pajitnov made the game but couldn't publish it in Russia at the time so he brought it to Nintendo and had them publish and buy the game and then went on to sell 35 million copies for the game boy
  • Gameboy makes millions

    Gameboy makes millions
    The gameboy in 1989 catapults the portable gaming industry by selling over 400 million portable devices
  • The Nintendo 64

    The Nintendo 64
    Nintendo releases the n64 which supported 3d games and 64 bit games like mario and the zelda seris as well as the james bond seris
  • The Playstation 2

    The Playstation 2
    The ps2 sent shockwaves across the nation as it was better then any computer at the time . It made grand theft auto what it is today
  • Microsoft fire back with the xbox

    Microsoft fire back with the xbox
    the xbox was released to compete with sonys ps2 and had more features and more capabilities then the ps2 did as well as a year later online play was released
  • The xbox 360

    The xbox 360
    the xbox 360 started what the xbox originally left off. This would sent microsoft a leap ahed of the generation of its current time.
  • Sony fires back with the PS3

    Sony fires back with the PS3
    Sony releases the PS3 as the competitor to the xbox 360, The PS3 offered free online gaming instead of paying for online play with mircrosoft
  • The Xbox one is released

    The Xbox one is released
    Mircrosoft release the long awaited xbox one with its features to overlay live tv as well as voice integration and improved kinect senors
  • Sony release the PS4

    Sony release the PS4
    Sony release the ps4 to once again compete with the xbox one with the ps4 having a whole new controller and smart phone connectivity making it the best selling console of 2014