Evolution of US Citizenry

  • Declaration of Independence

    DoI grants rights to natural born citizens or those citizens at the time of signing.
  • Post War of 1812 Influx of European Immigrants

  • 14th Ammendment

    Granted rights and equal protections to formerly enslaved people and immigrants.
  • Naturalization Act of 1870

    Extended Naturalization eligibility to alien whites and blacks of African descent, excludes others.
  • Geary Act

    An extension of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 requiring Chinese people to carry documentation.
  • United States vs Wong Kim Ark

    Determined that all persons born in the US are citizens regardless of race or nationality.
  • Naturalization Act of 1906

    The Basic Naturalization Act pressured States to standardize the process via Federal oversight and formed the FNS.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    Further ostracized Asian immigrants, illiterate immigrants and those deemed "undesirable".
  • The Cable Act

    Reversed the law that stripped women of their citizenry should they marry a foreigner.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Defined the set of civil rights all people in the US are entitled to regardless of citizenship, race, or immigration status.
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    Overhauled the immigration process, increased the number of immigrants granted VISAs and created a permanent process for naturalization.
  • Patriot Act

    A controversial act allowing law enforcement to invade the privacy of citizens and deport immigrants for security purposes.
  • The DREAM Act

    Protects minors brought to the US illegally.