Evolution of Training Profession

  • The U.S. enters World War II

    The U.S. enters World War II
    Because of the Pearl Harbor Attack (Image retrieved from Good Free Photos)
  • GI Bill of Rights

    GI Bill of Rights
    More than 2 million attend college and universities (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • Computer Age Begins

    Computer Age Begins
    ENIAC is built for the US Military
    (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • "Science and Human Behavior" by B.F. Skinner is published

    "Science and Human Behavior" by B.F. Skinner is published
    Behavior change, due to reinforcement, becomes widely accepted (Image retrieved from pxhere.com)
  • Bloom's Taxonomy is published

    Bloom's Taxonomy is published
    Cognitive domain is divided into: knowledge, comprehension; application; analysis, synthesis and evaluation (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • First ACT test is administred

    First ACT test is administred
    First ACT test is administered (Image retrieved from https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_College_Testing)
  • Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is introduced

    Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is introduced
    The first practice test is available online!! (Image retrieved from https://www.pendleton.marines.mil/Photos/igphoto/249602/)
  • ARPANET is created by the US Defense Department

    ARPANET is created by the US Defense Department
    The first internet was created (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • "The Science of Education" by Jean Piaget is published

    "The Science of Education" by Jean Piaget is published
    Popularizes discovery-based teaching approach (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • e-Book is invented

    e-Book is invented
    By Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg (Image retrieved from publicdomainpictures.net)
  • TI-2500 Data Math - first hand held calculator

    TI-2500 Data Math - first hand held calculator
    TI becomes leader in the industry (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • Apple II - the first succesful personal computer

    Apple II - the first succesful personal computer
    Becomes popular in schools because of computer games (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • IBM introduces their version of PC (Personal Computer)

    IBM introduces their version of PC (Personal Computer)
    The PC uses the MS-DOS operating system - the black screen with green lettering (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • Computer Science subject is recommended for high school education

    Computer Science subject is recommended for high school education
    Part of NCEE call for sweeping reforms in public education. Alpha Stock Images. (Image retrieved from http://www.thebluediamondgallery.com/tablet/c/computer-science.html)
  • The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, is passed

    The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, is passed
    The goal: increase the quality of vocational and technical education (Image retrieved from https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060814-4.html)
  • Microsoft Windows 1.0 is released

    Microsoft Windows 1.0 is released
    It's the beginning of a user friendly operating system that will make MS-DOS obsolete (Image retrieved from en.m.wikipedia.org)

    The first education institution to offer an online bachelor's and master's degrees.
    UOP becomes the largest private university in North America. (Image retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/branderguard/14766161898)
  • ADA becomes law

    ADA becomes law
    It prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities, in all areas of human activities, including the education field (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • "The Case for Constructivist Classrooms" by J & M Brooks is published.

    "The Case for Constructivist Classrooms"  by J & M Brooks is published.
    Discusses the case for constructivism - learning is better through active participation rather then passive reception (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • The "Sandia Report" is published

    The "Sandia Report" is published
    It creates controversy, because it shows public education is better than private (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)
  • "The Higher Education Act" amendment

    "The Higher Education Act"  amendment
    It requires "report cards" for teacher education (Image retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/usdagov/16762770039)
  • "No Child Left Behind Act" is approved

    "No Child Left Behind Act" is approved
    Mandates high-stakes student testing and holds schools accountable for student achievement levels (Image retrieved from www.flickr.com/photos/usdagov)
  • The Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched

    The Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched
    Tries to bring a uniform type of curriculum across the nation's education institutions (Atribution: Amerigus. Image retrieved https://www.flickr.com/photos/65529497@N00/13977768897)
  • Seattle HS teachers refuse to give the mandated "Measures of Academy Progress" to the school district

    Seattle HS teachers refuse to give the mandated "Measures of Academy Progress" to the school district
    It's a grass-roots revolt against excessive use of standardized tests (Image retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/albertogp123/5843577306)
  • March for Our Lives in Washington DC

    March for Our Lives in Washington DC
    Hundreds of thousands of students join the movement for school safety and gun control (Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)